Predicament, Ch. 04 (MMF|Incest|Fantasy)

They made it to the stream a few hours before sunset.

Alice had not drunk anything the entire day. She fell down next to it, and dipped her head inside. It wasn’t that deep. Probably as much as an outstretched hand. Alice couldn’t care less and started chugging the water down her parched throat. She drank and drank, until she felt dizzy and pulled her head out, gasping for breath. Not a few moments later, and she dunked in and started drinking again. The water was so *fresh*, and so cold. It made her forget about everything that had gone wrong in the past few days. The stream carried all of her memories away, and soothed her hurts. In particular, her left eye had never felt better. It had gone far more red than should’ve been the norm; according to Em. *Em*, she thought bitterly. Now that she had water, she *should* be able to focus her spells and make him pay, but that was the least of her priorities.

Predicament, Part 3 (MMF|Incest|Fantasy)

Jacking off Felt from horseback was really hard, considering Em had to rein his own horse with only one hand. But he kept at it, relieving his friend twice – sometimes thrice – every hour. Felt had a dazed look about him. He didn’t speak much, only tapped his friend when he needed relief, and generally just avoided responsibility. He was thick before, but now he just seemed like a traveling circus all on his own. Not in the way he acted; but in the way he looked as if he wanted to fuck whatever he was staring at the moment. That particular moment, he was staring at Em, mouth slightly open. His large cock, veiny in appearance, was still erect and throbbing. It would never let down, that much Em knew. He sighed and got to work again.

They stopped in a natural alcove forming from several large rocks. Tomorrow, they would find the stream and refreshing, refreshing water.

That also meant, that tonight they didn’t have water at all.

The only water they *did* have was inside her brother and she still didn’t know how to feel about that.

Predicament, Part 2 (Incest|MMF|Fantasy)

There was light out when Em opened his eyes. He could see sunlight streaming through the small tears in the tent, blinding his night eyes. He stretched slowly and yawned, enjoying the feel of fabric against his bare skin. Alice slept next to him on her sleeproll, while Felt took watch.

Or well, was *supposed* to be at watch. Instead, Em could hear grunts and moans that were far too close to the tent. He hadn’t even bothered moving away this time. Em knew that moving away for jacking off was simply done because his sister was close. But now that it was established that everyone would drink his semen, there seemed little point to continue that tradition. The water supply would be gone by today, and Em decided he’d rather get used to how semen tasted first, so as to not get surprised during travel. He got up, near naked except for his small underpants, which barely concealed his erection. For a second, he contemplated putting something on, but decided against it.

Predicament (MMF|Incest|Fantasy)

AN – I’ve no clue what I’m doing. Maybe I’ll continue if anybody likes this, but I doubt it. Ehh, I’ll give it a shot regardless.

Alice watched as the sun passed the 12th arc. She sighed. *Another leg of walking, simply wasted. Because my fool of a brother couldn’t dodge a simple spell. A spell I had warned him about for days!*

There was nothing for it. The damage was done, and the spell would last a whole month, getting stronger and stronger before weakening out. Unless there was a High Mage to help her, there was no way to reverse the effect and Felt would just have to bear it.

Of course, “bearing” was an understatement.