Stuck inside a sex-based D&D campaign [MF, 21+] [fantasy] [gangbang] [PART 3/3]

Emily leaned against the railing with Ezra, who explained what little geography she knew. They were headed towards Old Ashton to the North, which was part of the Dorastir Empire. To the south was the Troulorian Kingdom, both of whom were almost at war. Trade was still favorable despite that, which Lia took advantage of. North of Old Ashton was nothing but ocean until you reached a freezing continent of which there were only wild tales. East, along the coastline was Dorastir, the capital of the Dorastir Empire. Emily thought that might cause a fair bit of confusion. 

Further east was the murky border between Dorastir and the independent city of Peham. Peham was secluded, Ezra told her. Most visitors were not allowed within the grand walls of the city, which Emily found odd. How could they survive without trade? Ezra simply shrugged at that. Magic. 

Ezra walked around the ship, inspecting the sailor’s work. During her next round with Emily, she had to shoo off a handsy sailor who was pretending to tie knots around the sail. He was groping her exposed breast and tying knots in her stomach instead. Ezra simply banished him to the hold until he “starts to think with his head instead of his cock.” 

Stuck inside a sex-based D&D campaign [MF, 21+] [gangbang] [fantasy] [PART 2/3]

After the ordeal with the mermaid, Emily and Nate looked at the river contentedly for a few moments. As contentedly as any of them could, in any case. This was going to be difficult.

Emily cleared her throat and said, “This might be a little too forward, but I can help. Well, my hand can. No further. I’m only asking because your alternative source of penile friction is a mermaid, and not *your* hand.”

His dick twitched at that, and he considered her words. There was no way she was serious but he went along with it and shook his head, answering, “Sorry, but it’s an aphrodisiac. Best we can do is wait.”

“Of course. Don’t want my hand to set itself on fire.”

With a giggle, she sat down on the grass and stared at the passing river. He joined her but still couldn’t bear to put his clothes back on. From the bugs feasting on him, plus the grass pricking his backside, he knew he’d have terrible itches all over, but putting anything over his cock as of now would have driven him insane, so he waited.

Stuck inside a sex-based D&D campaign [MF, 21+] [fantasy] [PART 2/3]

After the ordeal with the mermaid, Emily and Nate looked at the river contentedly for a few moments. As contentedly as any of them could, in any case. This was going to be difficult. 

Emily cleared her throat and said, “This might be a little too forward, but I can help. Well, my hand can. No further. I’m only asking because your alternative source of penile friction is a mermaid, and not *your* hand.” 

His dick twitched at that, and he considered her words. There was no way she was serious but he went along with it and shook his head, answering, “Sorry, but it’s an aphrodisiac. Best we can do is wait.” 

“Of course. Don’t want my hand to set itself on fire.” 

With a giggle, she sat down on the grass and stared at the passing river. He joined her but still couldn’t bear to put his clothes back on. From the bugs feasting on him, plus the grass pricking his backside, he knew he’d have terrible itches all over, but putting anything over his cock as of now would have driven him insane, so he waited. 

Stuck inside a sex-based D&D campaign [MF, 21+] [fantasy] [PART 1/3]

Nate landed on wet grass. He had no idea what was happening. One minute, he was playing D&D with his friends, and the next, he was in the middle of a grassland. The sky stretched above him, the stars dotting the heavens. He was mesmerized by their sight and kept staring until he heard a sound close by. Emily.

He ran to where he heard the sound, and there she was. Kneeling and holding her head as if it pained her severely. He let out a whoop of joy and got down on the grass, hugging her tightly. She seemed like she was dazed, since she didn’t respond to his touch and stayed still.


She groaned and then smiled tightly, saying, “Nate! I’m so, so glad to see you. I thought there was no one else here”

“Me too. But what the actual fuck just happened? Where the fuck are we?”

“I don’t know,” she whispered while shaking her head.

Her reaction to events was so strange. She didn’t feel like Emily to him, but maybe it was just the weirdness of the situation. He immediately slapped himself, thinking it would wake him up, but nothing happened. He pinched himself a few times too, but nothing. Emily was still, with her eyes closed.

[MF, 21+] Stuck inside a sex-based D&D campaign [PART 1/3]

Nate landed on wet grass. He had no idea what was happening. One minute, he was playing D&D with his friends, and the next, he was in the middle of a grassland. The sky stretched above him, the stars dotting the heavens. He was mesmerized by their sight and kept staring until he heard a sound close by. Emily.

He ran to where he heard the sound, and there she was. Kneeling and holding her head as if it pained her severely. He let out a whoop of joy and got down on the grass, hugging her tightly. She seemed like she was dazed, since she didn’t respond to his touch and stayed still.


She groaned and then smiled tightly, saying, “Nate! I’m so, so glad to see you. I thought there was no one else here”

“Me too. But what the actual fuck just happened? Where the fuck are we?”

“I don’t know,” she whispered while shaking her head.

Her reaction to events was so strange. She didn’t feel like Emily to him, but maybe it was just the weirdness of the situation. He immediately slapped himself, thinking it would wake him up, but nothing happened. He pinched himself a few times too, but nothing. Emily was still, with her eyes closed.

[MFFFF, 21+] College girls become freeuse for one night, for one horny guy (reverse gangbang) [PART 2/2]

Ayla waited for her turn. At first, she had been calm, but then had begun hearing the frenzied moans and claps of bodies fucking each other through the door. She thought she would get anxious, but it was arousing her. Elephants were trampling inside of her stomach, and she felt like bursting out the door to just let Kevin tame her like the slut she was. 

“Can you calm down?” 

It was Alice who said that. Alice, a stereotypical Christian blonde, somehow at a reverse gangbang party. She was a pretty thing; currently biting her nails. She had *begged* Ayla to get her into the party somehow, for reasons she could never pry out of her. She sighed, and went over to sit with her. She took her hands out of her mouth, and said, “Just because I look distraught doesn’t mean it’s anything to fuss over. Seriously, calm down.” 

“Sorry, I just…” 

“It’s alright. Really.” 

Ayla found the courage to use a finger to prop up Alice’s head and said, “Chin up.”

They stayed like that for a moment, before hearing someone say, “Hah. He’s making Sophia kiss them both. Sophia, straight as an arrow.” 

[MFFFF, 21+] College girls become freeuse for one night, for one horny guy (reverse gangbang)

Kevin had accepted the offer. 

He wouldn’t stop ranting about it to Owen, who listened with an (apparent) sympathetic ear.

“I don’t know what the *fuck* they are gonna do to me. I should ask her to call it off. Should I ask her to call it off?”

“Kevin, deal’s a deal, unfortunately.”

“Yeah, but. This is just outrageous.”

Owen laughed, “Outrageous?”

“Well, *you* didn’t agree to it.”

Owen just laughed harder. Then, in a softer voice he said, “Every single guy out on campus wants to be you right now. Relax a bit.”

“Some of the stuff she asked… I don’t know.”

“So what? You’ll help them out and get back home by morning. Enjoy the ride. Get me a few numbers too while you’re at it. Hot ones only.”

Kevin would most certainly not be collecting any numbers. He’d known Sophia for more than a decade now. They had grown pretty close during their school years, and even though they’d always considered each other “friends”, there had been a sexual undercurrent to their relationship, particularly in recent years. Oh, it sounded grand but it had never progressed beyond the occasional touch and a bit of flirting. He still considered her a friend first. So her asking him… it had been super weird. 

The perks of going nude, part 2 [MF] [incest]

Jason quickly got around to making dinner. He was feeling too drained to cook something great, so he settled for a few sandwiches. Halfway through, his dick stiffened again, and he constantly bumped it against the kitchen drawers. He groaned and ignored it, continuing to work. Soon, Chloe skipped in and watched him for a time, before saying, “You left a huge mess in the basement.”

He felt himself turning red, and replied, “I’ll take care of it.”

He tried not to look at her, but he felt her eyes boring him down. Why did her tone feel so accusatory? She had been leading him on, hadn’t she? She sighed and said, “Y’know. You should probably take care of your huge problem too. You’re just bumping it on every corner. Plus, I don’t want it in my food or anything.”

He didn’t want to comprehend what *that* was about. His dick felt like exploding. He swallowed and heard her laugh. He finished quickly and handed her her pair of sandwiches and went to the dining room to eat his own. Unsurprisingly, she followed and sat in the chair next to him. They ate in silence, although Jason felt like he was eating mush. He wanted to make a move on her so badly, but ultimately decided not to. It was simply too weird, and he would never be able to forgive himself if he had mistaken her intentions. Well, even if she *had* been making moves on him.

The perks of going nude, part 1 [MF] [incest]

The decision to go full nude in his house wasn’t a new one. Jason had been working towards it for about an year now. He had slowly started taking off his clothes; his tops first, and then his pants. He kept a pair of shorts and a shirt on while his parents were home of course. They were gone for quite some time which had prompted him to progress more rapidly, and he was looking forward to spending his time *how* he wanted. It was just him and his sister Chloe, who was out meeting a friend out of town; he didn’t expect her to be home for a few days at least. So he had taken his clothes off entirely.

His parents hadn’t exactly been approving of his idea to go nude. There had been taunts and jeers, especially from his father and sister at first. But a few months of workouts later, they had grown quieter. His body wasn’t exactly body builder-esque at this point, but it was quite leaner and fitter. Definitely someone you’d look at twice, whether with jealousy or attraction. In fact, his sister was somewhere in between. He had caught her looking at him more than once, with what he hoped was appraise, but it could’ve been ridicule for all he knew. She was confusing like that.

Astral Projection (Incest, M/F, non-consent)

Ale was dreaming again.

It had been a regular occurrence these past few weeks. He was able to remember most of his dreams, and had even been aware of them. However, he hadn’t known that he could actually *control* his dreams while aware. He had prowled the internet for more information about lucid dreaming and been near obsessed with it. There was so much you could do; the possibilities were near endless. Flying to outer space was a mere simple feat. More complex ones included visiting the quantum world, or just randomly warping to other universes with doors of all things. You became *God* during your brief moments in sleep.

However, he had also discovered that you could fuck anyone; provided you had enough control. That was actually the main reason he had wanted to go lucid. Sure, flying and all was great, but it could never compare to fucking the hottest woman he could find on the street, whenever and however he wanted. He was constantly horny while awake, and his hand was not something he was looking forward to as a life partner. So far, at almost 19 years old, his sex life had been remarkably dull. The closest he had gotten to touch a girl was grope one at a party…and that hadn’t gone well for him.