<Help me give a title>

As the dusk gave way to nightfall, his eyes go back and forth between the dissipating florescent orange of sky and the chimes of cuckoo clock.

He had been at the door awaiting her arrival. The exact same way as always, with elevated heart rate, with abated breath, with acute ears and alert eyes. The very same eyes were now brimming with tears, tears threatening to escape his eyes. The ears now alert to slightest sound near the curb and the heart in a medley of hope and despair.

The seemingly never ending agonizing moments had finally come to an end with the faintest sound of her approaching car. The sound he had to flex his ears to listen to, the sound he had been awaiting all evening, the sound that filled his entire being with joy, the sound indicating her arrival.

Attempting to assimilate the multitude of emotions this precise moment brings about is a futile effort he no longer indulges in. Instead, he gives in to them, lets them overwhelm him, lets them awash him with pristine, unprecedented joy. The same joy with which he leaps, placing his forepaws upon her leg, welcoming her home, to him.