How we discovered my wife’s new kink – Going out in cum-filled panties [MF]

“Heading for the shower. Please join me.” is the text that I received from Tara. Unfortunately, I was outside and hadn’t looked at my phone until 20 minutes after she sent it.

I quickly headed for the bathroom but was disappointed to find her standing at the mirror in a robe, her shower already finished. I approached and hugged her from behind, mashing my semi hard cock into her back while reaching into her robe in the front, disappointed yet again that she had panties on under the robe, interfering with my open access to her pussy.

“Sorry I’m late. Wanna hop back in with me?”

“I can’t” she replied, giggling a bit as she pushed my hand out of her robe. “I’m meeting Becca for drinks and I can’t keep her waiting again.”

“Well, what am I supposed to do with this”, I asked, making a more exaggerated effort to push my now fully hard cock against her.

“I’ll take care of it when I get home, if you can wait that long.”

Subconsciously Seduced my Wife’s Butthole [MF]

I woke early on Saturday and noticed that my wife had fallen asleep watching something on Hulu on her phone, airpods still in her ears. For some reason, I decided to open the browser on her phone and pull up a porn site and hit play on the first video at the top of the home screen, then returned her phone to its previous position, resting against a pillow in front of her face, not thinking much more about what I had done.

I went downstairs to make coffee and start my day, quietly returning to the bedroom about 30 minutes later, trying not to wake her. I quickly realized that there was no need for such concern. Tara was obviously wide awake, her pajama bottoms thrown on the floor, bed sheets pushed to the bottom, her legs spread, faint humming of her black vibrator that she was working in and out of her pussy with her left hand. As I approached the bed, she reached out with her right hand to rub my semi-hard cock through my shorts and breathlessly demanded that I take off my shorts and grab the lube because “I need you in my ass.”

Gave a 28 Year Old Woman Her First Orgasm (from sex) and Other Firsts [MF]

My first real job had me working in a cubicle in an office when I was just out of school and in my early 20’s. I’m a pretty average guy, 6 feet tall, sandy brown hair. Natalie worked in the cube next to mine and we hit it off right from the start. She was in her late 20s at the time, about 5 feet tall, curly black hair, curvy with big tits. She was friendly, but also sarcastic as hell. The age difference was not that significant, but she had been working for years, was married, owned a house, etc. so had had a lot more life experiences than me. Or so it seemed.

I learned that she actually lived out-of-state and her actual work assignment was at our company’s office near her home. She was only filling in at our office on a temporary basis and would be returning to her permanent office once the company had hired and trained some people to fill the role here. So, she typically stayed in a hotel near the office (paid for by the company) M-F and drove home to spend the weekend with her husband.

Three-Way Masturbation Session with Aunt Kim and Friend [FMF]

As I’ve explained in previous posts, Aunt Kim is not really related to me. She is my friend’s aunt, but I knew her from the time I was very young and spent a lot of time with their family and just always knew her as Aunt Kim. She is about 15 years older than me and was always extremely hot. When I was a teenager, she was my primary fantasy when jerking off. In my early 20s, much to my amazement, she and I fell into a FWB arrangement. More details of Kim and the start of our sexual relationship here:



Since Kim’s nephew was my friend and roommate, it was extremely important that he and our other common acquaintances did not know anything about us fucking each other. So, our get-togethers were usually a little rushed and last-minute and only when nobody else was around. However, we had an upcoming weekend where most of our friends would be out of town and Kim suggested that I spend the whole weekend at her place and turn it into a fuckfest. No going out, no plans, no sneaking around, just staying in and ordering food delivery and fucking as much as possible.

Dominating Aunt Kim [MF]

Aunt Kim is not actually related to me. She is my friend’s aunt, but I’ve known her well since I was a child and just grew up calling her Aunt Kim. I wrote about Kim and my first sexual experience with her a couple of months ago and that story is linked here:

[First Time with Kim](

So, Kim mostly controlled the action our first time together and I was along for the ride. I suppose that makes sense since she was more experienced than me, more successful, more confident, objectively better looking, etc, etc. Also, I had jerked off a thousand times as a teenager to the idea of her, so the whole real-life event just had me in a daze.

[M]y [F]irst Cougar Lead to Other Firsts

Aunt Kim was not actually related to me. She was my best friend Mark’s Aunt, actually. However, Mark and I were friends from preschool through adulthood, lived 4 houses apart, our parents were friends, we were together all the time and Kim was always around. So, I called her Aunt Kim.

She was quite a bit younger than our parents and the other adults that were around and she wasn’t married and didn’t have kids of her own. So, she was the coolest adult I knew, by far. As a kid, I knew that she was pretty and loved being around her. She was always perky and positive and energetic. She acted like a kid around the kids, but could then hang with the adults and even help to smooth things over for us if we got into trouble.

As I got to be 12 or 13 and interested in girls, I noticed that Kim was not just pretty and fun. She was smoking hot. Really active and fit, often wearing workout clothes. Kim is about average height, shorter black hair, big brown eyes, usually very tan, medium size perky tits. Compared to the other adults I knew, she was so well put together. Nails always manicured, makeup looking perfect, smelling fantastic. At this point, she was about in her mid-late 20s, but still loved to hang around with us, playing basketball or tag or other goofy games. Any little accidental bump or touch from her was magical for me at that age.

Hotel Suite Lead to Threesome and Lesbian Girl Experimenting with Dick [FMF]

I had a summer job during college working in an office. The organization that I worked for held a conference every August and I was required to attend to take care of organization and administrative tasks and just helping to ensure that everything went smoothly during the daytime educational events and evening social events.

The bad news is that the conference that particular year was being held in Chicago, which is where I already lived. So, no free exotic trip for me. The good news is that I was expected to stay in one of the hotels that was hosting the conference to ensure I would be close by in the event of an issue. My hotel stay and all meals and expenses would be comped for the 4 or 5 days of the conference. Obviously, that is a huge perk for a poor college kid who is used to sharing a shitty apartment with roomates and living on instant ramen and mac n cheese. To make it even better, there was an issue at the hotel at check-in and I had to wait a couple of hours for my room to be ready. Not a big deal to me, but they put me in a suite eventually to make up for the inconvenience.

[M]agic [F]uck Shoes, Part 2

I posted part 1 a few months ago. It didn’t get a lot of love, so I figured there is not a whole lot of demand for the rest of the story. However, I realized that I really enjoy the process of writing these, especially as it forces me to recall some of the details that I might otherwise skip over in my head.

[Part 1 here](

Fortunately, the restaurant was less than a block from Tara’s apartment and we hurried to make it right on time for our reservation. Unfortunately, the owner was not around and there was a new hostess who did not know Tara and we wound up with a less than ideal table. It was one of those setups where they have a long bench along the wall with a bunch of 2-top tables lined up and then chairs on the other side of the tables. There are only a couple of feet between tables so there is no privacy if the adjacent tables are occupied. Of course, on Saturday night, all of the tables were occupied. I sat at the bench seat with Tara in the chair across the table.

[M]orning Paint and [F]ondle

I awoke yesterday morning to the sound of a lid being pried from a metal paint can. Still half-asleep, I glanced at the clock, then over to the corner of the bedroom where my wife, Tara was pouring paint from the can into a roller tray. I also felt my cock, hard as a rock, straining against the sheet and comforter that covered my body.

Our kid had left the previous evening for a sleepover at a friend’s house and I had hoped that Tara and I would enjoy some Saturday night fucking without the usual need to keep quiet or fear of a knock on our bedroom door at an inopportune moment. However, as sometimes happens on these occasions, we found ourselves dozing off shortly after dinner and a couple of drinks, exchaused from a long week. I did insist that we sleep naked, as I wanted to make sure that there would be no impediments to middle-of-the night fondling or morning sex.

So, I was disappointed to see that Tara was already dressed and starting her day instead of finding her warm, petite body within easy reach of my fingers and tongue. Normally, I would reach over to fondle her C cup tits for a minute or two before diving under the covers to eat her smooth, sweet pussy.