I [M] never even knew her [F] name

One evening I went with my daughter to watch a 80’s punk band who were still touring in a smallish venue. She knew the manager of the club and he had given us a table to the side of the dance floor. Halfway through the warm up band a vanilla looking couple come into the club and stand near us with their drinks. He was in jeans and a white polo shirt, she was in a white, fairly basic dress and sandals, so not really blending at a punk venue, but as it was filled with 40-50yo people that actually remembered the band, no one seemed to notice. A few minutes later the lady comes over and asks if the other two seats at our table are taken. We say no, so they join us. We had a brief conversation and it turned out that they were actually staying in the hotel above the club and had just been looking for somewhere to have a drink. After 10 minutes or so the husband leaves the table and doesn’t return. I chat to the wife, while the main act is setting up, while my daughter goes off in search of her friends.

My [FFM] surprise 3some with her mom!

Reading some of these encounters has made me want to write about the time I got involved in a weird one, a true story that I will never forget and still seems like a dream.

As a short background to the story: It’s 2006 ( I was 40 at the time) I was living in another country to my parents and unfortunately after a long illness my father passed away. I had immediately travelled home to make the necessary arrangements and support my mother. The whole process was taking longer than expected and I found myself there for nearly 3 weeks with not much to do but sit around.

One afternoon I decided a little alone time was required and went down to the local sports bar to watch the game and have a few beers. After a while a younger (23/25) woman, lets call her Mellisa, sat on the stool next to me and we started chatting about the game and sport in general. She is about 5’2, curly red/brown shoulder length hair, pretty face, chubby bordering fat but has curves in the right places, dressed in a pink t-shirt and jeans. After the game we continued drinking, chatting, with a bit of flirting involved, before she asked me if I wanted to go to a club around the corner, which I did, and the next hour or so was drinks, dance, kissing and back to her place.