[MFF] Threesome in Budapest While Backpacking

This is a real story that happened while I was backpacking through Europe. I spent two months traveling through eight different countries and, since I have some time, figured it’d be a good time to chronicle some of the many experiences I had. Suffice to say that as a 23 year old jumping around hostels, I had an overwhelming number of opportunities to get laid. I’m not the best writer, but I’ll try to make my stories readable.

Let me start off with a description of myself. I’m Asian, 5’11”, with black hair (obviously). I keep myself in shape by going to the gym and would describe myself as muscular. In terms of looks, I’d say that I’m decent looking (or as a French girl said, fucking hot–but that’s a story for another day). Hopefully I didn’t come off completely douchey describing myself–it’s hard! I’ll probably add at least a few of my other stories in the near future. This is the story about how I had a threesome in a Budapest hostel shower.