I [F] let my brother [M] fuck me in a realistic dream

I didn’t know where to post this but wanted to share it and hear people’s thoughts.

A few nights ago I had an extremely real feeling dream where I was letting my brother have his way with me. I woke up just as he was entering me with a few mixed emotions. Firstly I was disgusted that I was dreaming about fucking my brother…it’s important to note that I don’t even have a brother, but the idea was a bit disturbing anyway. But more profoundly I was more turned on than I can ever remember being from a dream and honestly more turned on than I had been in a very long time.

I laid there trying to process my feelings, trying to understand why I was so turned on. My hand drifted into my panties because I was aching to be touched and found that I was dripping wet. I was so horny that it only took me a minute to get myself off. Afterwards I tried to understand why I enjoyed thinking about fucking my brother during orgasm so much. But thinking about it just made it worse and realized only when I came again that I was still masturbating.

[MFM] My First Double Penetration Experience

Like many of you the last few months have been stressful, boring, and lonely. I miss date nights and visiting friends the most. This is about when we finally got back to date night and spiced it up a little! Our favorite restaurant just opened back up so we decided to have my mom babysit for the night and truly enjoy ourselves.

Dinner was great and with a couple after dinner drinks we were both smiling and laughing. On the way to our car my husband says “I have surprise for you.”

I get excited and ask “what?”

With a sly smile he said “You will see when we pick him up.”

“Him? Who? What have you planned?” I said while my mind was racing.

“That’s the surprise!” He pulled into a parking lot that I was all too familiar with and said “wait here, I will go grab him.”

He came out and got him all situated in the back of my minivan. My husband introduced us, “Mira this is Mitch, Mitch this is Mira.” We started for home with a weird combination of awkward silence and nervous small talk.

I [F] had an orgasm on a crowded bus

This story isn’t exactly “wild” but thought you may enjoy. This happened years ago while I was in college, I was either 20 or 21 years old, I don’t remember exactly.

My roommate and I were living in an apartment that was walking distance to a small grocery store but it was a little expensive and not a great selection. So once a week we would ride the bus to a big shopping center, have dinner, check out various stores, get some groceries and then catch the bus home.

The bus ride was about 15-20 minutes each way depending on traffic. Since it was a university bus, it only stopped at the shopping center and the student center (which was only a block from our apartment). Everything went just like every other trip we took, until we grabbed the late bus home.

When we got on we realized that there was only one seat left. I offered it to my roommate because I knew that she was carrying more bags than me. At that point two people across from that seat said I could squeeze in between them and made room. I thanked them and squeezed in.

I [F] went to an Asian Massage Parlor

Before I [F23 at the time] was married, I was dating a guy pretty seriously. One day I was doing his laundry and while checking his pockets to make sure they were empty, I found a receipt. I didn’t think to much about it and just put it on the washer. Later that day I grabbed it to give it back to him and saw it was from someplace called “Blossom Spa” which seemed odd so I kept reading. He apparently got a massage for $80 from Hanna. Still I didn’t think to much of it.

When I gave it to him I said “I didn’t know you got a massage, is your back bothering you?”

He looked extremely nervous and after an awkward pause finally said “I think I hurt it golfing, its better now”.

I immediately thought some was up, he was acting very sketchy. So I looked the place up and realized it was one of those Asian massage parlors. I didn’t know what to think or do. After sleeping on it, I decided I was just going to go check it out…so I did.