[F] how everything started

✨ story time ✨

so, i’m in my early 30s, and sometimes it’s wild to me how many years i have been, shall we say, sexually curious?

i was 10 years old when i got my period for the first time, which kicked my hormones right into overdrive way before any of my friends

my mom gave me these old school books meant for youngings to learn about their bodies, like a self taught sex ed class

that’s also the age i was when my thirst to learn more about this “behind closed doors” life got me grounded for watching porn on the family computer (remember those days?!)

i was so intrigued – so many different kinds of bodies! so many positions! so much pleasure!

i’m pretty sure that’s when i became a hedonist

i remember making the conscious decision that it was very important for me to learn all of the intricate details of how my own body worked

the more i know about how to please myself, the more i’ll be able to teach these skills to other people right? double my odds of pleasure! #winning

sharing mi li[f]e 2

i am choosing to share this side of my life here on this platform with you, first and foremost for myself, almost like an online journal where i can express a layer of myself that i’ve felt shamed into hiding

… until now

i believe that women are worthy of expressing their desires AND being treated with respect, whether she is posting a bikini pic, her gym attire or a nude photo on a day when she feels good about her body

my intention is to use this space to share an “uncensored” (by society, i’ll decide my own boundaries thanks!) spotlight on my life behind closed doors (sometimes 😉)!

stories of my dating + sex life
updates on my vanilla life and how they intertwine
and photos + videos that i love taking, but would get me banned from social media

i am ME, not just a lifeless photo on a screen, so if people choose to stick around and support my evolution, my “undressing” from society’s shaming rules – thank you!

otherwise i’ll have a beautiful photo journal to look back on for myself (and i plan to have lots of fun along the way!)

I want you to know me more [f]


this simple one word question can unravel the depths of many intricate experiences, yet we often don’t give these answers an opportunity to bubble up.

why am i here?
what do i want?
what do i NEED?

these prompts play a big role in my day to day personal life, my business, my relationships, and how i choose to interact with the world

i believe my purpose on this planet is to empower others to BE more of who they truly area, and to light the path towards a feel good life on their own terms

… so how TF does that fit in here?

well, i’m the exact same person here as i am in all of the other pockets of my life

this platform is simply another lens – a different spotlight under which i can unveil another layer of ME, and express myself in a space that is more accepting of hedonism and desires

i am still me, sharing about my life and storytelling with the intention of sprinkling more joy and fun into this world!

i am a real human behind these words, photos and videos.