[FM] BFF – Part 3 of 3 – Us

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xrrivl/fm_bff_part_1_of_3_me/) , [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xrrjtz/fm_bff_part_2_of_3_her/)

We took a good 10 or 15 minutes to recover, steadying our breath, making small talk about the evening’s activity. We spooned on the couch and I casually continued to play with her breasts, getting no argument or resistance. Occasionally she pushed back against my cock which was still hard and resting between her cheeks, but I could never tell if those motions were intentional or just an aspect of our embrace.

After a time, when we had quieted and I started to fear we might fall asleep, she stirred in my arms and turned over to face me.

“We still haven’t actually had sex yet.” She noted, her hand caressing my cheek, her fingers fidgeting with my hair. “I’m not afraid of it anymore, for what it’s worth. I know you’ll take care of me.” The weight of that trust washed over me and I kissed her hard on the lips before responding with a simple “I promise.”

“I want this to be as good for you as possible.” I said. “You deserve the best experience possible. You deserve somebody who respects the moment and cares as much about you as they do themselves.”

[FM] BFF – Part 2 of 3 – Her

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xrrivl/fm_bff_part_1_of_3_me/)

My post nut clarity was checked by the knowledge that only I had cum. That so far, the interaction had been much less pleasurable for her than for me. If she had felt any of the emotion I had, it came with a dull edge. It came from our friendship and care. I tried with only measured success to reset my emotions, to blunt the adrenaline and endorphins that were coursing through me.

“I could use a drink of water.” I said, still holding her, caressing her back.

“Me, too.” She said into my shoulder. “That wasn’t bad in the moment. But I don’t think I want to leave that taste in my mouth.”

“Hey.” I started, pulling back to look into her eyes again. “By the way, that was fucking amazing. I know you’re going to think I’m lying, but that’s got to be one of the best blowjobs I’ve ever had. I don’t know how you did it. You said you’ve never done that before, but honestly, I’ve been with girls with a lot of experience who didn’t make me feel that way.”

[FM] BFF – Part 1 of 3 – Me

“What do you want me to do?”

She asked this tentatively, nervously tugging at a middle button on her shirt.

“How does this work? How do we start?”

We had been dancing around this moment verbally and mentally for the better part of a month, but now it was here. We were standing in front of each other, maybe for the last time as best friends, and the moment was thick with an undefinable emotional weight.

“I think first, we should have a hug.” I responded. “I think I need one.”

She stepped into me and held me tightly at my waist as I put my arms around her shoulders and held her to me. “I do, too.” She said and squeezed me. “Can you promise me you’ll still be my BFF after this?” She asked into the room as she held her head against my shoulder.

There were so many things circling that question that I reduced it as simply as I could. “Yes. I promise I will still love you as my friend. And I promise I don’t want to lose my BFF.” And we held each other tighter again, standing for minutes in silence, quietly swaying with each other.

MANDY [Group]

I grew up in a rural farming community, where you had mostly the same classmates the whole time you were in school, and you probably married one of them. Even if you went to college for an Ag degree, or Business, or both, you likely came back to the family farm, married a sweetheart and worked the land.

Throughout high school I had dated Vicky off and on, but we drifted apart and I spent most of my last semester and the summer before college seeing Alice. Alice’s dad worked for the Department of Agriculture, and she had only been at our school for 3 years, starting her sophomore year. She was accepted by everybody, but was a slight outsider. But she and Vicky were friends, and we hit it off.

The two were close, but there were some distinct differences between them. Vicky was an amazing lover, and I appreciate that more now looking back than ever. She knew what she wanted, and what felt good, and she let you know. She wasn’t timid at all, but also not judgmental. She was very sexually mature for her age.