[f]riends with benefits

So how long did it take for you to finally break and do the unthinkable. For us it was about seven years. Seven years of wanting and waiting. I was so nervous and I don’t know why, it’s not like we hadn’t fooled around, but this time I knew when I seen him it would be for a different reason.
Now backstory here, we are friends, friends with benefits I supposed at this moment, but he has a lady and I have a man but hey when you have something you have something and you just can’t fight it.
I can remember when I opened the door, the excitement felt. And in just a few minutes he was inside me, his hands on my hips, thrusting himself inside me in my living room of all places. This day still is etched in my mind. Anytime I’m with someone else I’m thinking of him, how he felt, how he made me feel, how he pulled my hair and wrapped his hand around my neck and how he picked me up and pressed me against the door. He’s definitely my favorite guilty pleasure ❤️

[f] [m] blowjob at work

It had been months since “DB” and I had been alone together for any substantial amount of time, so when he was teasing me that he’d come see me at work but leave empty handed I knew I had to make good on my end. There he was to my surprise, I could tell he was hard, he must have known what I wanted to do to him. We went to the break area, he kissed me which he hadn’t done in sometime and I immediately was wet, I wanted to fuck him so badly but there wasn’t enough time, or space. I turned him around, pulled his cock out and gave him head. I had been waiting months for this, he likes to make me gag, and he did. I had tears streaming down my face and when he finished I loved every minute of it. Maybe he’s reading this now, probably not but a girl can hope right! ?

[fm] seven year itch…

It really start off innocent, I was under the weather and he had sent me a few text checking on me ect… I didn’t think much of it until one day out of the blue he text me while I was working asking to eat lunch with him. I told him no that I couldn’t, I didn’t really know why he’d be asking, he was married and it was just weird to me, but I was curious nonetheless. He started sending me messages more and more, asking things and telling me how much he liked me, I let him go on because what chick in their right mind doesn’t love getting compliments?
We started sending pics to one another, just to “play” around, but I wanted more. I honesty didn’t think that he could be as big as he claimed to be but man I was impressed for sure… his wife was luck to be getting all that…. one day I asked him if I could stash a bday gift at his house, I asked his wife if she cared to wrap it… it was for my S/O so I wanted a legit reason to go see him… I knew she’d be working late and he could be there waiting for me, it was the first time we’d been alone for more than 15 minutes or so together. I remember him standing in his kitchen when I came inside… I could tell he was hard, I walked over to him and helped take it out, he was like a rock… I put him in my mouth and let him finish there, like the good little slut I am… and from then on he’s had me hooked. We’ve had lots of good times over the last seven years or so… And I’m pretty sure there will be many more