Hello everyone.
First off it is probably important that I declare that I am inferior. A submissive, owned, constantly desperate puppy for my owner. I don’t get to choose my own porn, have orgasms at my own will, and I even ask for permission to go to the shops. I was never told I had to, I chose to because it felt right. When I suggested that I’m possibly not so inferior and pathetic since I manage a decent life, it was explained to me that I was pretending, my own behaviour evidence for it. There is no question, I’m a beta.
As I have been learning, part of accepting my place is not only recognizing that I’m owned by Miss, but also that I’m inferior to better men. In fact, my owner wishes to train and mold me into the perfect puppet for a better man. All I can do is obey and thank her for allowing me to become a good toy for superior beings. Surrendering my body and psyche to her desires is not only what I love doing, it is what I ought to do.