The Castle of Roses (prologue) – an essay in sadism

This is an intro to a novella I’ve been working on. It gets pretty dark (which I like, but places like Amazon really, really don’t!)

Comments, suggestions etc all very welcome!


There’s no such thing as an empty building. The things that have been done there always fill it, and they find a way of coming back. The Castle of Roses is like that. It’s never going to be content to lie quiet. Too many bad things have happened inside its walls.

The castle has bedrooms where the owners indulged decadent appetites for centuries. Silk, chains, pleasure and pain, love and rape. These were times when the aristocracy had the power of life and death over its servants. They were not slow to use it, either. Maids and footmen did what their masters told them or they didn’t keep their jobs for long. The castle stands way up in the Bavarian Alps and for weeks it’s shrouded by blizzards. Being thrown out with no money and just your summer clothing was a death sentence. But the servants should not be pitied too much. The place always attracted a certain type of employee.