Never told anyone, always wanted to. [F]

I don’t know if this is the place for it, but things happened when I was younger that I’ve never told anyone but have always wanted to.

My mom was and still is head nurse at a hospital, she worked long hours and for the longest time me and my sister spent the bulk of our time at my nans. I got on well with my uncle as there was only a year between us and he was more of a big brother to us to be fair.

I remember it being a Saturday. My Grandad had gone down his moms and my nan was downstairs cooking. I remember us waking up my uncle and asking if we could play hide and seek. My Nan has a big house and it was the perfect playground for us.

I remember him getting up and nan telling him to have a shower before playing so we just started without him. I heard him finishing up and a wanted to get my last turn in before he started playing. He was better than us and I wanted to be on his team.