What Lies Beneath ~ Part 1 (an ongoing, community driven story)

**18+ seeking 18+ for fantasy**

*The storm came out of nowhere, weather reports had predicted a safe return for the crew and passengers of the cruise ship Harmony. Now rain pounded the ship’s deck as waves crashed into its side, many of the passengers cower in their rooms or other areas of the ship while the crew does its best to keep everyone afloat.*

*Suddenly, everything is quiet. The rain is calm and the water is still. Several crew members peak outside, it appears that the ship has drifted into something like the eye of a hurricane. The storm is still raging on, but the ship floats on untouched in this solitary patch of ocean.*

*The silence is broken as a shriek cracks through the salty air. The inhuman cry shakes those who hear it to their core, but they’re more unsettled when more cries are emitted. All around the ship things scream, unseen as they lurk beneath the surface.*

*Then something new is heard, a low, bellowing groan. Off in the distance from [behind a wall of fog](https://imgur.com/B1D0FRT), something rises out of the sea. Something gargantuan, though it’s far away now it seems to be turning its attention towards the ship.*