A Military Solution [18+, Group, MFFF+]

The group of men trudged slowly down the path towards the sound of Gunfire. They walked at the pace of their slowest member, a portly middle-aged government official who kept repeating to no one in particular “This must never get out…”

Marcus Crowe walked at the back, this was his first time on this firing range, but he had escorted multiple tours of various officials when the program had first started. It was early January and there had been a heavy fall of snow the previous night.

“it’s good training for them” the Commanding officer had said brusquely, when Marcus had queried him about perhaps bringing the troops to a more comfortable location for their inspection. Marcus hadn’t asked what the Colonel thought the future relevance of the training might be. The Colonel for all his very specific eccentricities, had been doing a sterling job since he’d taken over. The various problems that had nearly caused the program to be abandoned, had been resolved by the Colonel in a few weeks.

The Soldiers that had passed out of the program prior to the Colonel taking over had all been quickly sent back, to receive revised training to the Colonel’s new specifications.

The Good Soldier : Part III [MF+] [Discip] [Humil]

Alex Goode arrived back at camp, only to find it a flurry of activity before he was even briefed. Upon entering the small Head Quarters building, which directed all activity outside of the engineering compound, he realised work had resumed, and reflected, ‘A lot can happen during a day!’

Alex wasn’t a career civil servant. He left government employ nearly twenty years ago for more lucrative opportunities in the private sector. Yet, there he was, at the age of forty-seven, back in the government bureaucracy and in a position he’d occupied for the past five months.

He found the brigadier in his office.

As he rose to his feet, the brigadier had a look of triumph on his face as he said.

“Alex, she did it! That young corporal didn’t even hesitate. She went straight in, yesterday, and everything is back on track.”

Alex walked over to the brigadier, offered him his hand, which he enthusiastically shook, and said.

“We got there in the end, Percy.”

The Good Soldier : Part II [MF+] [Discip] [Humil]

The Brigadier escorted Alice to the accommodation personally. As they walked, she remained silent while he heaped a steady stream of praise on her.

“I observed how forthright and resolute you were with them immediately on meeting them” he said, “You’re just what the program needs, a strong military presence to keep them in line.”

Alice had experienced some difficulty coming to terms with his attitude, maybe because he had not observed what had happened after he left, he was somehow able to tell himself that everything was normal, that this was simply a case of having to manage some truculent civilians. She reflected that it must have been hard on him, to be a general and yet have to put up with disrespect and threats from a group of what were essentially prisoners.

Alice reflected, that in a way what had happened was an example of military problem solving at it’s most basic, a senior officer had identified a problem, tasked a soldier to solve it, and did not concern himself with the details.

They walked towards what looked like a fairly dilapidated accommodation block, the cheap 1950’s era constructions that were a frequent sight on the various Army transit and training camps throughout the UK.

The Good Soldier [MF+]

“Lance Corporal Jones!” The Voice of the Sergeant Major boomed across the hall to where Lance Corporal Alice Jones was sitting “The Colonel will see you now”

She snapped to her feet and placed her beret carefully on her head, tucking her Auburn hair tied into a severe underneath. She was small at 5’3 with a slender frame, she had what might be considered a stern and serious expression, and her delicate facial features made it seem strange. She wore no makeup, yet her skin was perfect, an observant eye would be able to tell it was from a careful skin care regime not just a blessing of youth.

She didn’t feel nervous, as she walked towards the office, rather a mixture of confidence and elation. She didn’t know what was coming yet she felt an optimism that her hard work, her dedication and commitment to the army was about to be rewarded.

She had been chosen! She had been pulled out of her unit, and given the opportunity to volunteer for a secret assignment. She hadn’t hesitated, she had thought that approaches like that only happened in the movies, yes it was for a year, and yes, she would have limited contact with home. She didn’t really care though, she had no family, a half-hearted relationship with a boyfriend, good friends but nothing that would hold her back.