Sweet dreams m/f

It was an average weeknight: dinner made and eaten, kitchen cleaned, dogs and kids tended to and put to bed. I went to bed and drifted off in his arms until he got hot and had to roll over, same as every night. I didn’t even realize I had fallen asleep…

Suddenly, I’m pinned down to the bed, arms over my head laying on my stomach and he’s on top of me thrusting his throbbing cock into my tight pussy. He always makes me so wet from the anticipation but I don’t remember anything before this. We have a free use arrangement in the bedroom (we used to have it 24/7 but after having kids, it’s limited to the bedroom now) so its not that alarming to be woken up this way, but it is surprising since it’s been a while.

Anticipating the Plan (M/F)

My daddy works nights which is sometimes really difficult and makes intimacy and private moments together kind of hard to come by. I work from home right now so he goes to work around 6PM and gets off by 3:30AM then goes to his place to shower and get some rest before he wakes up and comes to my place and sleeps some more before work. The last time daddy and I had done it he fucked my throat and my ass, but not my pussy and I was sooo horny, it was so mean. Daddy has Friday and Saturday off so I made a plan to masturbate with my favorite vibrator Thursday night/Friday morning and when he came over Friday I would kiss him hard as soon as he was within reach and shove his rough cold hand into the front of my pants that were hiding a very wet and warm surprise and see what would happen from there.

Saturday afternoon

We’re lying in bed, binge watching the latest trending release on a lazy Saturday afternoon. It’s been nice having so much time with you lately since your schedule changed and we get to relax together on the same days off again. I let go of your hand and swing my legs off the bed so I can get some lotion from my side table. I start rubbing the lotion on my hands and then whatever won’t rub in, I rub up my arms and down my legs trying to get it off my hands so they’re not so slippery. I don’t see you notice what I’m doing but I know you have, I can feel your eyes on me. I’m wearing yoga pants with no underwear (as always) and a t-shirt with a wireless bra so I don’t exactly feel sexy or can say I’m trying to put on the charm, but still I know you’re watching me and I can’t deny a growing and spreading warmth.

Always a tinder slut, never a wife (F/M)

I couldn’t stop thinking about him. It had been a while since I had seen him and sure other men had come and gone since but I couldn’t stop thinking about him weeks later. We had a friends with benefits arrangement but I wanted more; I would’ve done or given him anything. I thought about reaching out to him I wondered if he had forgotten about me since so much time had passed, I hoped nothing happened to him. I would sit at work and day dream about past encounters; of him running his hands all over my body, pounding into me against a wall, holding my legs while he found all the right spots and filled me up just right. I was consumed by my daydream at work when my phone buzzed sitting on my desk. I assumed it was a promotional text of some sort or one of my friends but it was him! Excitement coursed through me but I wanted to be cool and collected and try to have some control over whatever this was going to become.

Him: Hey

Me: Hi :)

Him: How are you?

Me: I’m alright, how are you?

The stormy night m/f

We went to bed that night angry, which I know you’re not supposed to do but we did. We had come to an impasse in our discussion and we were both too stubborn to yield to the other or admit defeat. It was about his business trip next month also being a family vacation which seems nice to you but in reality it means me entertaining family because he’s working, and let’s be honest, he doesn’t really notice or care about the snide remarks I get from his mom. She likes to needle me about still not having children, being a gold digger (even though I also work and always have), my weight, and my race and those are just the big ones. She thinks it’s because of me that her son likes to go by John instead of Juan, a decision he made for his career in college separate and very much before me. Her muscular, approachable son could’ve picked a worldly and cultured Latina, but he chose me; shy, white, blonde hair, blue eyes, chubby to me but curvy to him. She hates me and always has. You’d think a grandchild from me would be the last thing in the world she’d want but ever since she found out about my IUD she won’t drop the subject. I point out to her eventually, I like to let her really make an ass of herself for a while first, that since she’s so disappointed in her son’s choice in partners, whats stopping her from hating and being disappointed by our children? She usually shuts up after that, but never for very long before she moves on to one of the other topics.

Daddy for dinner (dom M/sub F)

This is my first attempt at writing after enjoying this sub for some time, any pointers or observations are welcome and appreciated.

When daddy came home I was in the kitchen working on dishes while I waited for dinner to finish in the oven. I had music playing from the Bluetooth speaker through my phone and was singing and dancing along, I didn’t even hear him come in and neither did the dogs. It was Beast of Burden by The Rolling Stones and I turned to put the mixing bowl I was drying away and saw him standing there watching me. Immediately I felt my face get hot as I blushed and said an embarrassed “hi” with a smile. “Hey baby” he said back and gave a sideways but satisfied smile like he was really enjoying the show I didn’t know had an audience. Even with daddy I’m shy, it took months before I would give him a striptease. I had taken my clothes off in front of him or let him take them off me dozens of times but there was something about stripping carefully for his enjoyment that made me feel both exhilarated and embarrassed. I had never done that before for anyone so I was totally clueless, what if I was terrible at it? I’m sure watching me dance uninhibited of my own volition in the kitchen in jeans and a t-shirt making dinner and cleaning was really a sight for him. Fortunately for him, I would only do that in a place I felt safe and comfortable.