After tons of kink and exploration and over a year and a half of dating, my boyfriend finally got out of me the kink that I am most reticent to share; I have a major pee fetish. I’ve never shared or indulged this with any previous partner. When I mentioned it to him, he made an off-handed remark about how this girl once asked him to pee inside her. Hoo boy. I don’t think he realized what sort of monster he’d unleashed there. I’d never even considered that before but once said, it was the absolute top of my mind in fantasies.
We had tried recently for him to pee on my tits in the shower but he was hard and a bit put on the spot and didn’t manage to pee more than a tiny bit. Anyways, I kept making little jokes here and there like “save your pee for peeing on me in the shower.” After a bit of this, he says, “I’d really like you to pee on my cock.” I was stoked because up until that point, I wasn’t sure if he was actually into it or just indulging me but it became clear that he was actually really turned on by it and had his own fantasies too. Score. Last night, I said, “I really have to pee. Want me to pee on you?”