[MF] The lovely car show girl (Conclusion)

Part 1 here: https://redd.it/7uk512
Part 2 here: https://redd.it/7usfzt

Let me first start off by saying that I love the amount of encouragement and support I have received from all you redditors. When this first happened Wednesday night and I decided to write about it, I never thought it would turn into this. But then again, I didn’t expect Kate to turn out to be this wonderful girl that I’m completely enamored with.

So, this last update is going to be pretty tough for me to write…for certain reasons, and because of that, I might not put much detail into it. But we will see as I begin to write it. This will take place over the course of Friday, Saturday, and mid-day Sunday.

[MF] The lovely car show girl (Part 2)

Part 1 here: https://redd.it/7uk512

For a quick recap: two nights ago I went to the DC auto show, met a super awesome girl working for her company, we connected, she came home with me, shenanigans ensued.

So now on to night 2! Let me start off by saying I was filled with excitement all day yesterday, I could not wait to see Kate (alias). We planned that I would pick her up from her hotel after the show was over so that she could go home and get cleaned up for our date. We realized that we did things a bit backwards the night before, and wanted to go on an actual date and spend time with each other. I’ve always personally enjoyed dating and getting to know girls, so this was right up my alley.

So around 9:00 last night, I headed into DC and over to the convention center where her hotel was located. With all the traffic from the show, I knew it was going to take some time to get to where I need to be. I arrived around 9:30 and pulled into a waiting area nearby, I texted her to let her know I was there. She replied with: “:) what should I wear?”

[MF] Lovely car show girl came home with me last night – she was quite the ride.

So just to give a little backstory, I was raised in South Florida and have always loved cars. I recently moved to Washington DC at the age of 27 to pursue a career which seems to be working out. Things have been a little tough as a guy to make new friends in a new city, so I decided to go to the Washington Auto Show last night and see what it was all about.

I arrived at 5pm, with a closing time of 9pm, I figured this would be ample time to see the roughly 600 cars on display. And let me say, there are some beauties there. But of course, you guys want to hear about the women, not the cars. Well, these companies definitely know what they are doing, they sent all of their best looking salesman/advertising teams to this event. They know their audience well though, for every handsome salesman, there were at least 4 attractive women.