[F4M] [22/28F430+M] [BDSM] Courting Elle

Other ideas can be found on my profile from recent posts but I am searching for a 1×1, ongoing roleplay with fairly heavy story building and 2-3 paragraphs for responses ( just prefer more than a sentence or two).
Kinks discussed on main profile and more if interested. Also do not have to use this prompt

Having been raised in among affluence, Elle was accustomed to being doted on. Her life was one of privilege, though she wasn’t haughty like many other women of her status. She wasn’t particularly elegant, either, much to her family’s chagrin. Having just turned 22, her family was beginning to worry that she would not find a proper suitor. A woman of her class, it was expected that she would marry a man of equal status- preferably a son of a member of the high Court. If she didn’t marry soon, she risked her family’s reputation as well as her own. Her more graceful twin sister, Clara, had already married.

The Beginning (M/f, Ff) (D/s, Master/slave)

“Yes, my Lord.” These were the only three words I was able to manage. The words I have been waiting a lifetime to say now hung in the atmosphere, lingering, echoing. Then silence. I remained kneeling, my eyes cast downward, awaiting his response. “We start tomorrow, then. Goodnight, Elle.” His voice cut through the silence. His tone remained even, offering no hint of emotion. With that, he stood up, kissed my forehead and left the room.

I remained there, in silence, thoughts buzzing through my head. My new life would begin tomorrow. What day of the week it was, I couldn’t tell you. The air was crisp and bitter outside, but within the confines of (think of name), it was always warm. This allowed for the continued nudity. While demanding, He was not cruel. Those he took under his wing, under his domination and guidance, would learn discipline, but were well cared for all the same. Pain alongside comfort. Pain as both pleasure and punishment. These things I would experience, shortly. My month stay here, prior to this transition, prepared me for my new role.

Categorized as Erotica