[MF] A Confident Woman…

Thank you Tracy!!! It was a night I will never forget…

I remember seeing you across the party for the first time. You instantly caught my eye. Up to that point in my life, all my experiences with girls were mainly (small town boy dates small town girl). I was usually expected to guide the way sexually. I could have lived my whole life that way happy. That changed when you caught me staring.

I could not help it. Your body was incredible. I think you knew that though. Your low cut shirt and TIGHT jeans held everyone’s attention. You were talking to my friend Sara. You must have went to college together. I did not know who you were but I wanted to.

I have to admit I was very happy Sara introduced us. It WAS my party after all. It would have been rude if she didn’t.

“Tracy this is Jake”

“Hey Tracy!”

“Sara. Is this THE Jake?”

“What do you mean THE Jake?” I said

“Oh yeah, Tracy and I hung out with Kate (My Ex) last night.” “Well, and few other girls you seemed to know too!”

[MF] and [MF] Mid 90’s Fun and Friends 2.

So this story turned into a mini novella. I did not want to shorten it. I feel like I would be doing everyone in it a disservice. Plus this is my personal life and how it went down. I always liked the chase or challenge as much as I liked the act itself. Hopefully someone finds it hot.

It was the next night after Syd and I [Jake] had our fun with Dana. The two of us were driving around. We had not talked about what happened. I knew it was coming though. Things were a little awkward between us and I really did not know what the hell to think or do about it.

Syd suddenly broke the silence.

“Jake we are friends right?”


“We can tell each other anything right?”


She was staring out the passenger window.

“I DO NOT want to fuck up our friendship.”

“RIGHT” -SHIT!!! Friend zone time…UGGH.-

She looked at me. (Oh boy) I thought, here it comes.

” I do not want to be in a relationship”


“Kate mind fucked you and I have my own issues.”

[MF][MF] Truth or Dare?

We were all home from College for the summer. Me [Jake] my friend Scott and the girls we both had liked forever Becky and Jodi.

Somehow Scott had managed to get the girls to come over to his Mom’s property for a bonfire out by a small personal pond that was right behind the house that night. We had all partied there before and it was the place we all went to drink and stay out of town troubles.

His mom was home but always kept to herself. As long as we cleaned up and did not destroy anything I think she felt better knowing where we were and what we were doing. Plus she made snacks. So game on.

Scott and I had prepped all afternoon setting up coolers, icing down the beer and mowing the lawn. The usual. We both showered and noticed the girls pulling up around 6pm.

[M]y [F]ortunate Failure.

This is my second story. I Hope you like it!!!

It was summer. College had let out and I was back in my small town staying at my parents house. They had left for a trip so I had the place to myself. I had been really living it up in college. Syd my wing woman had helped me fully enjoy my first year -those stories still to come- but she was leaving with her mom for a month. So I was alone and able to dwell on the past. This never ended well for me. I would always set and stew over my ex Kate.

Now Kate was the girl I KNEW was my soul mate at the time. I had watched enough bad 90’s movies to know it was only a matter of time before she came around and realized it too. Just the thought of losing her soft olive skin, green eyes and long red hair sent my body in almost physical pain. I am 6′-4″ and 200lbs and chiseled. She was a foot shorter and 100lbs lighter. But she could easily overpower me with a glance. And she was SASSY!!!!

[M]id 90’s [F]un and [F]riends…

This happened in a small Midwest town.
It was the 90’s. My friend I were two 18 year old Gen X teens who had known each other for years. We hung in different circles until we both found out we were to attend the same college. We were an odd pair in every way. I (Jake) was a blond 6′-4″ 200 lb jock. I drove an ’89 Mustang that I thought would help me with the girls. She (Syd) was a little bit of a Tomboy in the hot kinda way. She was 5′-6″ 110 lbs and full of sass. She had a cute ass and great legs with short brown hair. She was a what I called a faux grunge girl. Like grunge chic if you will. We had decided early on we would only ever be friends. Probably because she thought I was a huge dork and she did not have a car. Anyway, friend zone.
We hung out on the weekends. Mainly driving around sharing our secretes and filling each other in on dates we would go on. I did not really have anything super deep to tell. I was a jock after all. She on the other had admitted to liking girls and guys. Not a huge shocker. At the time, I always thought all girls were three drinks away from a bisexual experience.
One weekend we were at a bonfire party out in the middle of nowhere. I was trying to get an audience by making everyone laugh and she was setting by a girl we both knew named Dana who was our age. She was a girl that had dated one of my teammates and was in the same circle of friends as Syd. Dana was hot. Same height as Syd, but with long sandy blonde hair. She had a few more curves but both girls looked cute in their short shorts and belly shirts. Tan legs criss crossed in front of me as I continued to bomb in front of an unwilling crowd. Both girls laughed, but it was probably at me. It was not too long before the cops came to break up the party. Me and the girls hopped in my car and we sped off. I did not drink.
We decided the night was young and hit the back roads listening to music and having fun. Dana moved from the back and was now half sitting on Syd’s lap in the passenger seat. I noticed Syd whispered something into Dana’s ear making them both laugh. I turned off the radio and asked what was soo funny???