Full moon fill up. [FM] (Straight, Werewolf, fantasy)

The radio crackled and buzzed as is started to pick up the signal of the town ahead.The host of the local late night radio station was talking about the news. Something about animal sighting and what people suspect to be a pack of cyotees causing a ruckess around town.

The blonde trucker took some note of it, but wasn’t paying too much attention. With one hand on the wheel she just looked at the road ahead of her. It seemed to go on forever. The empty plains passing her by as she continued on. Passing a road sign she saw there was a gas station ahead and with quick glance down at her gas gauge, Alex decided to stop. She figured she could fill up and find a place to park to get some sleep.

As Alex approached the gas station she could see a tall flickering sign with the station name. Parking next to the pumps Alex got out of her rig and looked up at the sign. “ Full moon fill up… huh, how appropriate..” she looked to the full moon in the sky.

Space Grace: Butt Bot (Long, Lesbian, Anal. SciFi) (FF)

“ Maaan it’s so nice to be back home. I forgot how nice it is to go for a walk and not have to worry about anything chasing you” Grace stretched her arms out and spun around as her and Olivian walked down the sidewalk. “ The sun feels really nice too…” Grace turned back to Olivian. “ You can feel that right? I mean I figure you would in your physical form but it’s hard to read you sometimes”

“ Yes Miss. My physical form is as realistic as it can get….if you’ll remember that very intrusive medical exam you put me through…” Olivian gave Grace a somewhat unpleasant look. “ Uhh..heh.. w-well I am your commander and it’s my duty to understand my shipmates physically and mentally” “Of course Miss, but I do believe that all that fondling is uncommon practice” Grace gave her friend a guilty smile as they continued down the street. “ You know ever since that huge free will thing went into affect you’ve gotten a lot snarkier. I’m not gonna lie, your kinda pulling off the deadly blonde thing and I love it” Grace looked across the street to see a little stand full of candy. “ Oh shit! Not as much as I love those chocolate pop things though. I forgot how much I’ve been missing out on around here” Grace lead Olivian over to the little stand and started to look over all the candy treats.

Non existent text adventure 1 (multiple short stories) (mf) (mm) (ff) (anal) (monster)

Message from Milo~~~

So to explain this, I’ve always wanted to make an adult text adventure game. Similar to corruption of champions.

((Which if you haven’t played, GO PLAY IT! ITS FREE IN BROWSER AND MOBILE DOWNLOAD. It’s inspired and influenced so many people. Myself included))

Anyway, I’ve briefly looked into making such a thing, however I don’t have any idea where to start or have the time to learn how to program a game.

I have a lot of different ideas for scenes and that. So this is just going to be a small collection of what some of them would be. Some will be sfw other with be nsfw.



You decide to risk going through the steaming door and wind up in what looks like a primitive locker room. Large wooden baskets filled with loinclothes are spread out around the room, while lined along the walls are shelves filled with armor. You consider taking some for yourself. However you’re too small to wear it and it would be too much of a burden to carry out of this place.