Lust in the time of COVID: revisiting a delicious summer [MF]

I lived abroad in a European city for the first part of the pandemic, arriving as the crisis was initially unfolding. During one of the ill-advised relaxation periods after the first wave I went for a drink with someone from an app. We talked and laughed and – I think to our mutual surprise – spent the night together. For the remainder of the summer I saw Kate often. In the long evenings she showed me the hidden parks and bars of her city and when the sun set we devoured each other in her bedroom. Perhaps the progress of our short relationship was hurried along by the end of days atmosphere of the pandemic or by my looming departure date. It was painful to say goodbye but we were both glad of our time together and promised to stay in touch. Like many young people who have had their plans spoiled this year, I returned to the warm but decidedly unerotic bosom of my family.

Explosive chemistry at Tinder tryst [MF]

This happened within the last year. I enjoy writing but haven’t attempted anything like this before. I thought revisiting some memories might be a constructive use of my lockdown sexual frustration…

Summer had been boring, filled with work and family occasions. The air was still warm and hazy when I returned to university with one thing on my mind. In the parks men went topless and women sunbathed in their underwear, while both parties allowed their eyes to wander behind their sunglasses. By the evening summer dresses were the uniform of choice, usually revealing deliciously sleek legs. I redownloaded Tinder and tried to keep my expectations low. Like most people I find dating apps hit and miss, but this time the algorithm gods were more than generous.

Among the handful of matches I got in the first couple of days, I decided to take a more direct approach than usual. One match challenged me with an innuendo laden riddle which triggered an increasingly provocative conversation. She was keen to meet, requesting a venue near my house so things could progress quickly if we clicked in real life. Was this a practical joke? Could I be walking into a kidnapping by kidney dealers? Better choose a bar in neutral territory. For various reasons neither of us could host on the evening of the date, but perhaps we could work something out another day if the chemistry was there.