Transit pt 1&2 [F27, NB22]

Pt 1

The birds chirped wildly in the tree next to me. I sat down on the back steps of the art store, organizing my purchases into my beat up leather bag: a thick, absorbent book of watercolor paper, a long metal ruler, guache tubs, and a new metal palete. As I violently shook my new supplies into place, the sun beamed into my eyes and I began to overheat. I had overdressed – I didn’t get out much. Peeling my knitted yellow sweater over my head, I started to feel like I was being watched. I quickly ripped off the mass of yarn and pulled my purple t-shirt down with anxious force. My head flitted around, cheeks flushed, underarms damp. My smooth, androgynous chest heaved with stress from being so exposed. As I caught my breath, I noticed someone looking at me curiously from the patio across the street.

(Snippet) Transit (F/NB)

Is she…. following me? I thought in alarm, my breath beginning to quicken. I glanced up at the subway map. 5 stops to go. Should I change cars? Get off and wait for the next? Or pretend she didn’t exist at all?

My eyes strained and began to water as I glared ahead at the streetcar doors opposite me, the brick of the subway corridor zooming by in a chaotic blur. I could feel her eyes still on me. I was afraid to dare look anywhere near this shadow woman, and stared intently on the ad for thickening conditioner before stealing another glance at the subway map.

When I finally peeled my eyes away from the blurry, blinking map, they landed straight into her awaiting gaze. I shuddered slightly as I realized that when our eyes met, I was met with fervent hunger deep in her warm hazel eyes. They glinted crystalline as she scanned my person, her gaze dropping down my soft, freckled face; pausing at my quivering auburn lips; serenading my body with her silent – yet deafening – lust. A jolt of the train, and her eyes snapped back to mine, her mouth slipping into the slightest smirk.