[M]y first wet dream at 26 years old.

The concept of a wet dream was something that I always thought was so amazing. You mean to tell me that you can cum from just a dream? Hands free?! It all sounded so amazing but I never got to experience it until the other night.

Recently I’ve been trying to refrain from masturbating at all that way the sex my girlfriend and I have is all the sweeter. This particular week I hadn’t seen her in over two weeks. I was so horny but unfortunately she was not feeling good so we decided to go to bed early despite both of us being ridiculously horny.

I remember the dream so vividly. It started off with me walking into a store. The store was full of junk and the guy behind the counter had to be about 20, Asian, short, skinny, very fem and seemed reserved. I chatted him up for a bit and remember ending up trying to shoplift. He caught me on my way out and asked that I simply give the item back. I said sure and he hugged me saying that at least I was honest. I asked how I could make up for it and he said that I could come to the back and work something out.