Cyoa: A Great Story of Destiny [Part 2]

[Features: transformation, masturbation]

[Inspect the devil outfit]

You walk over to the devil outfit and examine it. It’s just so, weird and out of place. It looks like a freaking halloween costume. A red suit with a hood with little plastic devil horns. It’s so incongruous, even compared to the rest of the weird items in the cabin, that you can’t help but stare at it. You reach out a hand, grabbing at it, and suddenly your hand feels as if it’s on fire! You quickly pull away, fear racing through you as you’re reminded of your position, of your location, of how nothing here is seemingly safe.

Your fear and panic and terror only increase as the burning rises. It was on your hand but now it feels like your whole arm is engulfed in flames and they quickly seem to be racing across your body. You try to pull away from your own arm, even as the pain becomes unbearable and the heat becomes extreme but it’s no help. Like a lit match, you feel your whole body engulfed in flames, even though none is there. You scream and you feel it travel down your mouth. Everything is fire! EVERYTHING IS FIRE!

The Jar [Rape/Non-con] [Yandere] [Inanimate TF] [Comeuppance]

[Features: Non-con, inanimate tf, yandere, covered in cum, smell, cum bath, Sabrina and Alex]

Ivan was having a particularly bad day. He couldn’t shake the feeling that all day he was being watched. It felt like insects crawling on his skin and he kept looking over his shoulder but never actually saw anyone. It was driving him *crazy*.

He had even sprinted home while walking there and it was still daylight out! He had no idea what was going on, but he felt like he was being stalked or something. He was probably just imagining it or something. Just got some nerves that got tricked by someone or something and his anxiety just kept increasing afterwards or hell, maybe a car had just been going the same way he was walking and his subconscious had freaked out. Either way, now that he was *home*, he felt fine. The sensation around him, however, still felt bad, like he was in danger or something. He just shook his head and decided to get into the shower. He was probably jumping at ghosts.




*Ivan.* ***Ivan Ivan Ivan Ivan Ivan.***

Love through the sea and air [M/F] [Romance] [Anal] [Musician] [Powers]

[Features: Music, sound, fantasy, Romance, teleportation, anal]

In a world only vaguely like our own, a great sea existed. Land was far and few between and light and shadow were mere play things for the people at the top of the world. What people would consider gods or Super there, were merely unlikely rather than impossible. Powerful people, able to fell cities with their hands or raise forests in a moment. The weird and esoteric dominated.

But it wasn’t a harsh edge. There was bad, as oh so there is in nearly every existence, but it wasn’t all consuming. Upon this land and in existence rested a simple man. He was currently playing the piano in the long night on his ship as it sailed the 12 seas. There use to be 13 but well, that’s a story for another time.

It was a slow melody, chancing upon the outskirts of the song like rain at the edge of your hearing, tinkling through your brain like shards of crystal dropped on ceramic. It carried with it the feeling of wind and as he continued, it built.

Theme: Graffiti. [Femdom] [Non-con elements] [Neon] [Ferocious Sex]

[Features: Rough sex, ferocious sex, non-con elements, femdom, art, post-orgasm torture, over doing it, graffiti.]

There was paint on the walls. I don’t know why but that’s what stood out to me at first. It took my brain an extra second to kick in why that was what I noticed. The paint was neon, bright, someone had spray painted it all around the wall and completely haphazard. Sure, that was all normal in say, an alleyway, but this was inside a building.

It was the incongruity of seeing something outside on the inside that had gotten to me.

My friend Dave was already schmoozing along, talking to everyone he saw like they were an old pal and more than a few were giving him happy looks and nods and fist bumps. Which would all be normal, somewhat, at other places but not when everyone looked like they had decided the 80’s and the 90’s needed even more rockstars.

Dave had taken me to a rave, even though he kept saying that it was “less a Rave and more just a club with bright lights.” If this was his idea of a club, we needed to have a talk.

The Adventures of The Great Magnificent Transformo! Part 2 (The Panties) [non-con] [Piss drinking] [Inanimate transformation]

[Part 1](

[Part 3](

[Part 4](

[Features: Transformation, non-con elements, comedy, turned into panties, facesitting(?), female masturbation, drowning in pussy, way too much of a good thing, being stained, peeing/piss drinking, omorashi]

It is I! The Great Magnificent Transformo, again! Last time went …shudder… poorly. But no more! This time, there will be no, no awful experiences of the male persuasion! No no no, this time, nothing but pure, adult, femaleness!

For you see my dear hypothetical readers in my mind, I have chosen to do the most cunning, magnificent and amazing thing yet! A long time dream and fantasy of men around the globe, or at least, one of my most deepest, personal fantasy yet!

To become panties!

This work will take great cunning. I mean, how and why would a woman put on a random pair of panties? And if you just slipped them in to her drawer, how long would it take to eventually get worn anyway?! No no no, this requires a more in depth plan than any other plan I’ve ever made. It will require great cunning and speed.

[C] The Perverted Book [Rape] [Toys] [Stuck]

[Features: forced into poses, rape via toys, unable to move]

Destiny. 24, female, dreamt of being an investigative reporter. A bit short, a bit thick, and a bit hot-headed. Or at least that was how she thought of herself. She was 5’6, 150lb, and a few more choice words describing her personality would be used by her friends and family. She was actively investigating a case and had stumbled upon a lead, hoping it would be her big break.

That was until she mysteriously vanished 7 days ago, just like all the others.

This is her story.

“Fucking garbage ass shit.”

Destiny was livid. She had thought she was going to meet an informant today but they never showed up. Asshole.


This case was going to be her big break. It all started 3 weeks ago. Women were disappearing. Just vanishing into thin air. Well, not literally, that would’ve made her solving it nearly impossible. She needed to pack her resume, really get some street cred to her name so she could get hired. So she had set about trying to solve it, to figure out what the police couldn’t. Bunch of idiots anyway. All that fancy equipment and gear and can’t do basic reconnaissance.

The Adventures of the Great Magnificent Transformo! Part 1 [inanimate TF, M/F, light yaoi, light non-con]

[Features: Transformation, light hearted/comedy, getting too much of a good thing, light (skippable) yaoi and… armpits I guess? I mean he turns into soap]

It is I! The Great Magnificent Transformo! Or at least that’s what they will call me. Should call me? I mean, if they found out about me, I feel like my name would be the least of my troubles… anyway!

It was a normal average day yesterday, looking at anime girls online, wishing I could be parts of their undergarments. I mean, what man hasn’t wished for that, right? Totally normal I’d say.

When suddenly! I was struck by a lightning bolt…while indoors! Don’t really understand that to be totally honest but I went from just ole plain me to The Great Magnificent Transformo! I knew in my heart of hearts and in my brain, that I could now transform into any object I desired! God had granted me my deepest desires and now there was nothing left to do but use them as God had intended them to be used!

To sexually experience all of my roommates!