Emily Cums Home (Part 2) [MF]

(continued directly from Part 1 posted yesterday)

We crawled into my truck as she tried to figure out her hair situation. It was a clear case of huge, wild sex hair, with her ponytail pulled out toward her right shoulder. I backed out of where I’d parked, “College upping your game, I see.”

She giggled, “I told you, I had to resort to n****s…”

I put the truck into gear and took off, headed across town to my place. She slid over into the middle (my truck has a bench seat if you flip the console up), and started feeling up my junk again almost immediately, giggling and smiling as she rubbed my dong through my pants.

“Rules are you can’t do that unless you’re topless, ya know…” totally making up a rule, but her going along with it anyway, her top ending up in the passenger seat as she peeled her bra off and hung it from my rearview mirror. I cracked a smile, glancing over at her D cups as we stopped at a stop sign, “Just like old times” referring to her underwear on my mirror. Her tits were big – the biggest of her and her two sisters by a ways, though not as perky as her younger sister. At the next stop sign I reached over and started to fondle the left one, which led to her starting to mess with my belt.

Emily Cums Home (Part 1) [MF]

One of the guaranteed ways to fuck me is to be a sister to one of my buddies. I have stories that could fill a library on that subject, but let’s just say I’m batting 1.000 when it comes to laying my friends’ sisters. This is one of those stories.

Emily was always mildly attractive in that way that the girls who are serious about volleyball are still hot but not as hot as the girls who do volleyball just because of how the shorts make their ass look. And boy does she have ass – “epic” doesn’t even begin to describe this backside. Volleyball was the ideal sport for her, and she also happened to be good at it, which helped.

Tall (5’9-5’10, I’m guessing), with black hair in a ponytail nearly down to her amazing ass, big green/brown eyes, and big perky D cups, she was thicc in that hot volleyball player way, with long, toned, legs leading up to the thicc, firm thighs required to hold that epic, massive, but fit, firm ass up. She held the school record for kills (a volleyball stat, not a murder), and it was easy to see why and how.

The Student Teacher Cums To Town [MF]

Brad and I are buddies, and by buddies I mean he owns the local bar and I damn near pay the mortgage with my weekly spending at his establishment. I’ve pulled a fair amount of ass over drinks at his bar – we joke about it a lot, and it’s kind of a running joke anymore.

A few weeks ago, I walk in the bar after a long day of work, and Brad waves me over, grinning and giving me a look. I take a beer from him as he waves me in. “You gotta see what just moved in upstairs, man…” he points upward with his finger, referencing the apartments on the upper floor of the bar building “new student teacher. About your age. Total smoke.”

I’m suddenly interested. “Alright, tell me more…”

“Name’s Tessa. Blonde. Massive cans, must’ve been an athlete. She’s coming in to pay her deposit sometime here.”

The Student Newspaper [MF]

One of the least exciting things about college has to be clubs. There’s a club for everything, I swear. And inevitably a buddy invites you to a meeting and there’s a mixer after, and unless the club is super lame you get eyefucked by some freshman and the night ends with a BJ or some mediocre sex.

I wish. Clubs would be a lot more popular if that’s how it worked.

But anyway, I was in a college club, one of those major-specific ones that didn’t have a ton of members, but since we were the biggest college in the university we had a lot of support and did a lot of activities. Anyway, our club had decided to do a series of industry tours, and as I’m as advantageous an ass-kisser as anybody else, I volunteered to be in charge of organizing these things. No big deal, make a few phone calls, organize a bus, all’s well.

Roommate’s Little Sister [MF]

So I used to live in an apartment with four other guys, names not important except for one I’ll call “Tyson.” We were the same age, and had gone to high schools near each other – we knew each other, but not well. I’d only ever seen his sister – we’ll call her “Michelle” – once before, when his family was moving him in.

She was killer – 18, a high school senior, all-state track and cross country star, 6’1, a deep auburn-ish redhead, with the body you’d expect of an 18-year-old running 800m closer to 2:00 than to 3:00. LEGS. FOR. DAYS. I can still see her bending over to pick up a box on move-in day, her running shorts riding up until you could juuuuust see the purple cotton panties underneath.

Anyway, she was checking out schools, and the university’s track team was interested in her, and her campus visit was coming up, the week of homecoming.