The ti[m]e I [f]ucked my best friend by the lake

Long time lurker, first time poster, etc., etc. Finally got around to writing out the story of one of the hottest experiences I ever had. It’s about me and a friend of mine, a girl we’ll call Claire.

For those who care, I’m 5’10”, slim but muscled, with light brown hair and grey eyes. Claire was around 5’4″, generally pretty small, with dark brown hair and the most ridiculously beautiful blue eyes.

When I was twenty-three, finally finishing up the bachelor’s degree I’d been working on a for a few years (English major, and no, I didn’t find a job—ha ha.), I met a girl who finally convinced me to pursue my long-standing interest in the natural world a bit more actively. I grew up as a Boy Scout, but never really fit in with the others and ended up quitting as a result. Since then, I’d had opportunities to go camping here and hiking there, but never really got as “connected” as I would’ve liked to be. My shoddy fire-building skills are a source of shame to this day.