A Rainy Afternoon [MF] [light bondage] [light edging] [oral]

An afternoon rain pattered against his window and pale sunlight flooded the bedroom through a half drawn curtain. The room was warm and his bed sheets were soft against my bare skin. We had no plans for the day, no friends to see, no errands to run; the rain seemed to have washed away the day’s events.

He slid a blindfold down over my eyes and the room went black. I felt a cord being looped around my wrists, which were then bound together and tied over my head to the bed frame. When he was finished, I could tell from the stillness that he was staring at my body stretched out naked on his bed. I felt his hand run along my thigh and linger at my hip. He didn’t say anything.

I felt the weight of the bed shift beneath me as he pulled his naked thigh across my body to straddle my waist. As he leaned over to kiss my neck, I felt his erection press against my stomach, the tip of his cock already wet with cum. His warm lips traveled down the right side of my neck starting beneath my ear and onto my chest. His chin and cheeks were smooth but for a hint of afternoon stubble. His lips landed on my nipple and paused there. He worked his tongue around it in narrowing circles before pulling at it gently with his lips. He moved to my other nipple, circling and pulling at it with equal force.

Erin’s Spanking – Part 4 (final part) [MF] [Spanking] [No sex]

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/m0xwl9/erins_spanking_part_1_mf_spanking_no_sex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/m1srsf/erins_spanking_part_2_mf_spanking_no_sex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

[Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/m36v3h/erins_spanking_part_3_mf_spanking_no_sex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

The next few minutes flicked by in a blur. She had stopped crying but knew it wouldn’t take much to make her start again. She was conflicted on how to feel about what was coming next. On the one hand, there was apprehension and dread. On the hand, she very much wanted to be punished more, like a person who has finally waded into the shallow end, only to wonder what happens when the water becomes deeper.

He returned to the room, pulled a chair from the dining table near to her, and sat down. He didn’t speak for a time, but she could sense his gaze wandering over her body–red and scarlett upturned cheeks, marks across her legs where the belt had landed, asshole and pussy on display, breasts hanging beneath her so that her nipples just rested on the cold wooden floor.

“I hope this lesson is sinking in Erin,” he said, at last.

“Yes sir, it is.”

“I hope you’ve learned who is in charge of this punishment too.”

“You are sir.”

Erin’s Spanking – Part 3 [MF] [Spanking] [No sex]

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/m0xwl9/erins_spanking_part_1_mf_spanking_no_sex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/m1srsf/erins_spanking_part_2_mf_spanking_no_sex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

A few minutes later she heard Ben re-enter the room. The couch cushions signed as he seated himself. Her bottom was still hot from the spanking but no longer stinging.

“Erin, it’s time,” he said, his words cutting through the quiet room. “Come back over here.”

“Yes sir,” she said, dropping her arms. This time when she knelt over his legs, she adjusted herself so that her bottom was in the same position that he had put her in the first time: high, arched, exposed. He did not need to adjust her and she was proud of that fact. He reached over her legs and took one of the wooden kitchen spoons off the table. He tapped it against her bare cheeks a couple times, as though familiarizing himself with the spoon’s weight and shape. Then he began.

It doesn’t take long to realize that a wooden spoon is not like a hand. It doesn’t slap so much as snap, the impact is more localized, and the sting is more acute. The effect does not take time to build but blooms scarlet at the very first thwack.

Erin’s Spanking – Part 2 [MF] [Spanking] [No sex]

Part 1: [https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/m1srsf/erins_spanking_part_2_mf_spanking_no_sex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/m1srsf/erins_spanking_part_2_mf_spanking_no_sex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

As he backed away from her, she could feel his eyes taking in her upturned bottom, panties, and bare thighs. She heard him leave the room. What was he up to? The wall was only a few inches from her nose, featureless. There was nothing to do but think about what was coming next. She realized her body was trembling with anticipation that was only partially sexual. Intwined between the sex was the thrill of experiencing something completely new and transgressive: a first kiss, a first drink, a first smoke. She very much wanted to reach her hand beneath her panties and press and rub her fingers against her clit. But Ben’s warning lingered in the air. *If you do not follow these rules there will be consequences.*

After some time, she heard him re-enter the room. “Erin turn around and face me,” he said.

He was seated on the couch, his hands folded in front him. Two wooden kitchen spoons had been placed at the edge of the coffee table. Her heart skipped, and the dampness between her legs crossed to the forefront of her mind. She instinctively reached a hand down to shield herself.

Erin’s Spanking – Part 1 [MF] [Spanking] [No sex]

They decided to meet for coffee first. It was a rainy February afternoon—the type of day Erin would have normally spent wrapped in a blanket, torching through Netflix. The coffee shop was slow, just a few students here and there on their laptops. She had arrived early and staked out a table with a view towards the door. She’d packed a pen and paper, though she wasn’t sure why. Somehow a pen and paper made her feel more at ease.

After a few minutes, a man walked in and began to scan the room. She knew at once who he was, though he was cuter than she expected. Calm, dark eyes and a five-o’clock shadow gracing an angular chin. Not quite muscled, but clearly athletic, like someone who had played soccer in high school. He caught her look and crossed the room to her.

“Any chance that you’re you Erin?” he asked, looking a little unsure of himself.

“Uhh yes, yes that’s me,” she said.

“Ben,” he said, shaking her hand. “It’s good to meet you.”

“You too.”

“Mind if I grab a coffee?” he asked.

“Go right ahead.”
