Sizzling Beach Chemistry (M/F) (Romance)

It was the last day of Aaron and Sarah’s honeymoon. The past three days had been refreshing. They had complete privacy. It was like they were alone on a deserted island, just them and nature with the perks of room service. They decided to enjoy their last few hours to the fullest before they returned to their routine, and went to the beach to watch the sunrise.

It was still dark. The Moon was still shining in the sky, occasionally hiding behind the clouds. Cold breeze touched their bodies, making them shiver. Maybe it was not a good time to wear a bikini, but she had done much worse for a picture perfect photo.

Unsurprisingly there was not a soul in sight. Aaron and Sarah stepped into the beach. The cold water sent chills down her spine and she quickly came back on the land. Whereas, Aaron was unbothered by the chilling temperature.

“Hey, come out.” Sarah called Aaron. “You will get sick”

“No, just come here. It gets better after a few seconds.”