trip to vegas with my wife and friends …. anyway my wife wants a threesome // story in progress

a friend of my wife [ L ] invited us to a weekend on Vegas … she is going just with another female friend plus my wife and me.
we went out with them like 3 times before she invited us to Vegas. she used to work with my wife during a year almost , but now they are in different work places.
she is hot, and every time we go out with her , she is super friendly and super flirty with my wife and with me, but in a very respectful – friendly way.
In the other hand, both times when we went out with her, she [ L1 ] was flirting and kissing with two different guys in each night respectively;
and I have the intuition that she is bisexual, but I’m not sure .
so, I mean she is 39 years old, no kids , single her friend is like 38 years old, ni kids, single [ not that hot ] my wife 35 , 1 kid and me 31 , 1 kid …
as you see in our posts, my wife is sexy and she likes adventures we have been talking about having a threesome in the future with a girl, and probably with another man too … but at the moment that just a future plan
my wife says she hasn’t said anything to her friends [ the birthday friend is one of her few friends ]
the point is :
the four of us are staying in the same room // suite in Vegas … [ ] am I dumbfounding / hallucinating too much or this could end in a orgy / foursome / threesome in some point ?