How I [M] hooked up with the boss’ daughter

This occurred a few years ago, but was reminiscing this morning and decided to share. I apologize in advance for the length. Skip ahead to ———— for the sexy times.

While in undergrad, I worked for a local family owned business. Phenomenal people. Anyways, their daughter was employed there, and her and I enjoyed a good friendship and working relationship. For the purposes of this story, she’ll be named F. Now, F was a few years younger than me, maybe 22-23 when this occurred and I was 26-27. There was always a bit of simmering sexual tension between the 2 of us.

To give a physical description of F: 5’-5’1”, petite, perky B-cups, perfect butt, slightly longer than shoulder length hair that constantly went from brunette to blonde and back. For context, I’m 6’1”.

One evening, F and I are working together and at the close of the night, she’s lamenting over her latest breakup, despite not having dated for a long time. As we move into another part of the business (where there were no cameras), finishing our closing duties, I took my opportunity. As she was bent over stocking a shelf, I walked up behind her and squeezed her ass and said “the best way to get over someone is to get under someone new” and grinned at her. She gave me a cheeky smile back, but said nothing. We finished closing up and went our separate ways.