I’m in need of feedback for a worldbuilding I’m going to use in a story NSFW!

Read everything before clicking the link.
hi, I’m looking for feedback, comments, critiques, observations and anything else like that, I’ve written a worldbuilding as complete as I could and I have some ideas of what I’m going to do next, but I also welcome suggestions. That said, here are some important caveats:
1- The text is long.
2- this was originally written in Portuguese with all my errors undetectable by word and I only made two revisions in writing, then I went through a site that translated it into English, a site that has the bad habit of getting some excerpts in long texts and repeat them a few times, but the site translates long texts, so it’s an advantage.
3- this material is at least erotic, if not pornographic, it includes sadomasochism and other things, if it’s not your kind of thing don’t read it! And please don’t tell me that writing something like this is sick or wrong, I’ve had a lot of criticism from people who weren’t comfortable with these subjects who condemned me for things more vanilla than that.
the link: [Maso-verse](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nrSMgxERgZ9kTG5U25A8gAeCMOrLaHs8SmSM4fREyeI/edit?usp=sharing)

a matter of speculation

hi, i always liked speculative global scenarios, you know, where your fetish is something that is part of people’s daily lives and is done often, in particular i like bondage a lot, but as i think too much about things i kept imagining how would education be and how did the characters in my fantasies have had their childhoods and adolecences, of course, I didn’t even reach a conclusion so I came here (after a lot of research) to ask: in a scenario like the one I mentioned as you think what would a person’s life be like in that kind of world? what do they think what is common and unusual for them? if you have someone with a taste for bondage I would also like it very much, but if you want to talk about your own fantasies, please feel free. what would this alternative society be like?