Neighborly Desires Pt 1 [M53 xF26][Ageplay]


Older male neighbor takes liking to the younger single mother of two kids. she’s in her mid 20’s while he’s in his early 50’s.
He’s been covertly hiding his obsession of her for months, it eroding away at his control to hold back. She moved into the neighborhood over a year ago, changing the whole dynamic of his everyday life.

He was married once but it ended in a cold divorce, resulting in him staying to himself romantically for the last 10 years. That was until she peaked his interest. She appealed to a side of him that sparked a deep carnal desire that he never felt, even when he was married. This fueled his late nights, as he would watch her from his hallway window that was adjacent to her kitchen window. He could see her bend over as she reached down in the cabinets to grab items she was cooking with.
Her figure was delightful to look at. She had to be no taller than 5’3, her dark thick hair was always in a mid bun, or like a night like this, cascading down her back in a half up and down ponytail; stopping at the end of her shoulder blades. She had these warm hazel brown eyes, ones he could get lost in for an infinite amount of time.

Categorized as Erotica