Neighborly Desires Pt 1 [M53 xF26][Ageplay]


Older male neighbor takes liking to the younger single mother of two kids. she’s in her mid 20’s while he’s in his early 50’s.
He’s been covertly hiding his obsession of her for months, it eroding away at his control to hold back. She moved into the neighborhood over a year ago, changing the whole dynamic of his everyday life.

He was married once but it ended in a cold divorce, resulting in him staying to himself romantically for the last 10 years. That was until she peaked his interest. She appealed to a side of him that sparked a deep carnal desire that he never felt, even when he was married. This fueled his late nights, as he would watch her from his hallway window that was adjacent to her kitchen window. He could see her bend over as she reached down in the cabinets to grab items she was cooking with.
Her figure was delightful to look at. She had to be no taller than 5’3, her dark thick hair was always in a mid bun, or like a night like this, cascading down her back in a half up and down ponytail; stopping at the end of her shoulder blades. She had these warm hazel brown eyes, ones he could get lost in for an infinite amount of time.

Thinking of her in such this predicament was causing a certain part of him to swell in his pants. Without a second thought, he pulled his throbbing cock out his pants. It twitched in anticipation and want as he slowly starting stroking it up and down. His locked on her petite figure move around her kitchen to what it looks like a late night snack. It did help that she was in a tight and revealing silk tank top and pajama short set. It hugged all her bold yet subtle curves. He could envision himself bending her over her marble counter and taking her from behind; her pussy gripping his cock so deliciously as her ass jiggled and bounced back on him from each thrust.

Thinking of that was going to have him spill his spunk everywhere. What made him slow a bit was when his eyes met with hers. She was standing at the window that was closest to the hallway window he was at. Without a word, she disappeared from the window and out of his view. Slightly nervous, he slinked away from the window and was heading to his bedroom to finish things off. He stopped in his tracks when he heard the doorbell ring. Hastily tucking his now semi hard cock back into his pants and fixing himself up a bit before heading towards the front door. Looking through his door peephole; it was his neighbor there standing in a long trench coat. This piqued his interest a bit but didn’t want to keep her waiting so opened his door.

Before he could get a hello out, she started.

“Do you mind if we could talk for a bit?” She said abruptly, leaving no room for a no. She gestured for him to let her in which he obliged. He closed the door behind her and lock it. Trying to lead her to the living room but she immediately spins around to look at him, stepping close so she’s a few inches away.
Her face never falter, not showing any type of weakness.
“You’ve been watching me. How long?” She said bluntly, crossing her arms over her chest.

Sliding his hands into his pockets; trying to make sure she couldn’t notice the growing tent in his pants.

“Quite some time now” he said, looking over soft yet accentuated features in the trench coat. For him, she could wear anything and he would think she was sexy.

“How long is quite some time now?” She said still not budging from her stance. Sighing, he turned his head the side; looking at anything else but her.

Since you moved to the neighborhood. Over a year he said.
There was a moment of silence until she broke it.

“You’re not very good at hiding it” she said softly. His eyes dart towards her and she was a small smile on her face.

“I noticed you peaking at me a few months after moving in. It was late night like it is now; I was getting out the shower and I walked into my room; not knowing your guest bedroom window can see into my bedroom. When I was putting on my lotion and bending over; I heard a faint tap of glass. Glancing over; I could see you there. It was dark, but the light from my room left a soft glow that bright enough for me recognize it was you. You were jerking yourself off while watching” she recounted; unfolding her arms.

There was another moment of silence before she continued.
“Were you jerking off to me in my kitchen before I came over here?” She asked looking me in my eyes.

“Yes I was” he said shortly; nervous yet turned on by this whole situation that it was becoming very hard to hide is throbbing member in his pants.

“Show me how you were stroking it” she demanded; walking over to his couch and perching herself there to watch him.
He stood there for a second; taking in this whole moment for him to fulfill his desires and obsession of her.
With one swift moment; his throbbing cock was out of pants, in his hand and ready for a good time. Stroking it up and down; he looked over at her lustfully; liking her eyes on him as he was pleasuring himself to the thought of her.
