More: The Story of My Roommate’s Girlfriend [MF]

It’s been a few years since this happened, but it was so hot that I felt compelled to share.

I shared an apartment with two other single guys while I was in my 20’s (mid 30’s now), so of course we’d have parties and go out to bars… All of the quintessential bachelor things. Well one of the guys (we’ll call him Brian) ends up getting a girlfriend (We’ll call her Jennifer). And she was absolutely gorgeous! Bright red hair, pale skin, green eyes, plump pink lips that popped out, and “thicc” in all of the right places. She was on the short side and had this look like she was going to explode because her skin was tight at all times; firm and taunt. She was busty so her tiny hips gave her an hourglass figure that seemed to constantly showcase an amazing butt.

So Jennifer joined the merrymaking and fit right in! She drank and smoked and laughed at all of our jokes; She was a blast! A little on the flirty side, but it’s no big deal. She just liked to make direct eye contact, lean in close when she talked and maybe touch your arm when she laughed. Sure, when she’s had a little too much to drink she might grab an ass as she passes by, but I was convinced that it’s all innocent. Until one day I’m talking to some of the guys we party with and one of them says,