I was fucking this black guy Donnie and his cousin off and on for about a year. After a while Donnie and I got kind of serious but it didn’t last long.
I found out he had been fucking his X behind my back so we kind of stopped seeing each other for a while.
Eventually we started hooking up off and on but it was only about the sex.
I was still jealous though so I started stalking him and his women on social media. Usually always fit white women like myself.
It became more and more obvious that he was in to this one slut Beth who I initially thought was very beautiful, more so than I but fake as fuck. Luckily, Donnie and I continued to fuck behind her back.
She eventually became aware of this and we ended up running in to each other at a club last month. Don’t get me wrong, she’s a little full of herself but I’m kind of in to her. We ended up exchanging numbers and both continued seeing Donnie. Naturally a threesome came to mind and I’m hoping to see it up this weekend between the three of us.