So I (F) was 19, discovering my sluttiness, and was still kind of getting used to putting myself out there.
I’d been flirting with the security guard at my job for months. He would always come talk to me when things were slow, he made me laugh a lot. I was also just discovering how much I enjoyed casual sex. After a few months I figure… Fuck it. He doesn’t want anything serious, neither do I.
So I tell him I’d like to be walked to my car after work, pretty standard. But when he gets there I ask if he’s free after his shift ends in a bit. He says yes, so I ask if he minds if I go to his place (we occasionally hung out there but I wasn’t usually on my own). He gives me his keys and I kiss his cheek, mostly to gauge how receptive he is.
He grins and says “you missed” and then kisses me hard, pushing me up against my car before turning and walking away.