The Parking Garage: a public sex story

It was a normal summer night in New England. The lady and I were on the highway, we had driven up from the ‘burbs in search of fine cuisine. We were hungry and wanted to frolic in the city, but our relationship was toxic; it didn’t take long until we got into an argument in the car. As always, I retreated and closed up, sulking as I threw more weight onto the gas pedal.

She was a stubborn beauty. Ferocious when she took a stance and hard to admit defeat if she was wrong. I don’t exactly remember what we fought about (something stupid I’m sure), but I do remember I was right.

We drove into the city after some time of silence. She had started doing what she always did when she was wrong in a fight. She would resort to sarcastic and dry humor and act like noting ever happened. I was the exact opposite of her- I would mull over our arguments. I’m very passive aggressive, I was notorious for brooding and moping. She loved to patronize me during those episodes. I did my best to ignore her during the drive. She knew I was angry

Categorized as Erotica

[MF] Wet Dining

I (20m at the time) was hanging with my ex (19f at the time, we’ll call her Lauren in this story) at her house when things got hot and heavy. We were watching tv in the living room; her parents and her younger sister had gone food shopping so we were alone with the exception of her pets. Lauren gets up and goes to the kitchen to grab some snacks. I’m sitting watching the tube when I hear my name being called out. I walked over to the kitchen and Lauren is standing there in a sultry pose.

Now the kitchen is right off the side of the home’s deck and it hosts the main door used. The doors are large and with the help of some bay windows, a lot of the kitchen is exposed to the yard, driveway and street. Lauren knew that, but she started to slowly strip off her clothes nonetheless. I was a stud back then- so ofcourse I’m all excited and ready to go, but I was terrified of getting caught by her parents or neighbors. I voiced my concern but she simply smiled and continued stripping. She told me that she was positive that they’d be gone for hours. She came up to me and helped me take my clothes off and it all fell into place from there.