[FM] Naughty masseuse stuff, pt.3 I guess?

Thank you for the positive messages and kind words. It has been interesting reliving these memories and chatting with people. In some of those discussions I’ve been reminded of certain times, and this one I think people will enjoy hearing about.

This happened on a really nice spring day when BT came in for a massage. A light breeze, a bit of sun, and the temperature was nice. He walked into the room and immediately started talking about how he loved the weather, and that days like that made him want to just lay outside and enjoy the sun. I said that if I was going to be outside I’d probably fall asleep with how nice it was, especially with the little wind that was going through the trees.

At that, he suggested we take some time to enjoy the sun on the patio. At that point I was already undressed and I think he could tell how big my eyes got at the suggestion, and almost spoke before I chimed in that I’d need sunblock. I keep a bag with me at all times, throwing in essentials like wipes and pads, and it also has sunblock in it. I slathered it up on my hands and did his body, before he did the same to me. His hands were reasonably warm but the sunblock was freezing, so my skin puckered up and my nipples were painfully hard.

[FM] how I became a naughty masseuse (pt.2)

Part two! Thank you all for your patience. Caught COVID and nearly suffocated to death, then had no motivation to do anything. Some of this is sexy, some is boring, but it is what it is.

After that first visit where I touched him, BT was open about his requests, but never seemed to be in a rush. I think that is how it made it easier to go along with things, as he wasn’t grinding me down with his ideas, but slowly opening all the doors. FYI, I don’t feel like having to ruin the flow of the story and tell all the times he was talking or telling stories. Just double or triple how many times I mention something, and that is how much he was actually talking and joking.

The next visit he made to the spa I assumed that he’d want the same treatment / more, so I undressed with him after locking the door.

[FM] how I became a naughty masseuse (pt.1)

Thanks for the positive responses and messages to my first post.

That all motivates me to tell the story of how I got into… extras… in the first place. I realize as I’m writing this that it is a super long read and barely sexy at the end. You’ve been warned!

Big Tipper, or BT, is the man who started me off on the path. I had other clients that had propositioned me earlier on, there was no defining feature that brought them all together other than the fact they’d ask for it and I’d turn them down.

BT himself was loud, friendly, and lived a storied life that he loved to share. I don’t know what business he was in, but he owned a company and it was common for him to give out nice tips. Whenever he would pass by our spa, he would always tip all the staff on hand (it was usually two or three in the waiting area) and tip the people that gave him service on top of that. He had a back issue, so he would come by pretty often, and he joked about how his medical insurance was covering it, so that is why he could afford to be so generous with us.

[FM] I used to be a masseuse

So I figure this is the best place to put this story. I was a masseuse for a while at a spa that was connected to a hotel in one of the nicer areas of the city. This is one of my experiences with a regular of mine.

I like to call this gentleman Big Tipper. He was a bit older, kind of thicker around the middle, super gregarious, owned a business, and had been married and divorced a couple times.

This day, BT came in for a massage. A coworker was buzzing back and forth between the rooms doing a deep clean and reorganizing, so I gave him a normal massage. You can’t see into the rooms, but with the doors opening and closing around us I think I was too jittery to do anything.

When the massage was over he asked if I would go to his room and spend some more time with him. The number he gave me was BIG. I don’t want to go into it, but even in retrospect it sounds like a lot. I told him I had a couple more clients, and he gave me his room keycard saying “text me when you’re off, no pressure.” He still tipped for the massage and then left.