Jasmine and Rachel Chapter 3 [FF][FM][monster girls][Fantasy]

**Hey all! I finished chapter 4 on my discord server, so you guys get chapter 3! Features my favorite cow – girl Jasmine, her human friend Rachel, and introduces the Bullyboy Monster man Buck!**
After rewatching the episode they missed, Rachel and Jasmine took turns in the small bathroom showering the milk and pussy juice that had mixed with their sweat off themselves. Jasmine handed Rachel a fuzzy bathrobe afterwards.

“We might need to do another load to get the rest of your stuff clean – how long were you planning on staying?” Jasmine asked, herself encased in a fuzzy terrycloth robe.

Rachel blushed as she tied the robe around her, “Ummmm… well I have tomorrow off so… I mean…” Jasmine put her out of her misery, “Want to stay over?”

Rachel almost didn’t let Jasmine finish asking before smiling, “Yes! Please!”

Jasmine put a hand on her hip and saucily wagged a finger at Rachel, “Well if you’re going to stay the night you have to help with the ranch chores.”

“What chores do you need help with? Do the ‘boys’ need help again?” Rachel asked, clapping her hands together in excitement.

Babysitting to Breeding [FM] [Fiction]

**Another one-off story! More on my discord server!**

Lisa had been babysitting for various members of her church since she was a preteen. Now in community college at 19, she had a huge black book of parents who would call her on a regular basis to watch their kids while they went on dates, doctor appointments, or just escaped for a few hours.

Lisa understood, of course. Kids were a blessing from God was something she’d been taught from a young age, and while she believed it, she also occasionally appreciated she could leave them and go home to get a full nights sleep without them clamoring for her.

She was studying early childhood education. Once she graduated she might start an in home daycare – she knew she’d have no problem finding parents willing to pay premium prices to watch their kids. She knew her compassion was her greatest asset. She truly loved children – no matter how ill behaved they occasionally acted.

the not-so-secret- account [FM][Tit sucking]

**Hey! I wrote a quick one-off story I thought you guys might like. More stuff on my profile and discord!**

Gabriel had started streaming on twitch when the pandemic first locked everything down. She was surprised when she started getting subs and had worked hard over the last year to crow her following. She was pretty good at some of the games, but it was pretty obvious most of her subscribers were guys that liked watching her tits jiggle while she played.

She got into the habit of wearing well-fitted T-shirts with no bra during her streams. Whenever someone in chat would ask for her OnlyFans, she would shut them. She wasn’t doing that and if they kept asking she’d ban them.

She was doing well enough she moved in with a friend in a small apartment, finally out of her parents’ house. She streamed all the time, but her subs were plateauing and she was nervous. Her roommate had let her be late on rent, but it was the 20th, and she had only just paid off last month, let alone started saving for the 1st of next month.

Part 2: Rachel and Jasmine [FF][Fantasy][MonsterGirl]

**Hi guys, it seemed like there was a lot of demand for more about Jasmine and Rachel, so I’ve written part two and three – here is part two! Part three is on my discord server**

Rachel scurried home after showering at Jasmine’s house. Her parents and brothers seemed to accept her hangover excuses, and she grabbed a sandwich to take up to her room for dinner. The past two days had seemed like an amazing dream, and every time she stopped to think about whether it had all actually happened her, she reached up and felt her now bulging breasts.

They weren’t “big” by any stretch of the imagination, but they nearly filled her hands. She loved the feeling of palming them, gently kneading them as she slid her fingers over them.

She set the plate with the sandwich on her dresser and changed into cozy pjs. She slid under the covers and continued to fondle her swollen breasts. The skin seemed taut and they were a little sore from the growth, but the small pressure of her hands and fingers seemed to massage the ache away.

Part three: The Lonely Omega [ff][fm][cumslut]

Part one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFWWerewolves/comments/n5v5eh/part_1_lonely_omega_in_the_pack_f_selfmeenie00/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NSFWWerewolves/comments/n5v5eh/part_1_lonely_omega_in_the_pack_f_selfmeenie00/)

Part two:


She didn’t have to wait long. Mere minutes later, still shivering from her hard fucking, Meenie hears the click of heels and and angry hiss as a woman approaches her.

“You filthy girl.” The feminine voice huffs. Meenie knows it’s her Luna, and another shiver wracks her body.

She feels a graceful finger trace her spine along the small of her back where the pool of cum is on her. She hears a delicate slurp from behind her.

All she can see is the pitch black night through the window. The lights are low enough in the room she can’t even see a reflection. Only her sensitive hearing lets her know what is taking place.

“Oh god, he tastes so good.” Her Luna sits next to her and Meenie feels her hands on her ass and shoulder, holding her in the position she has been ordered to stay in.

She feels her Luna’s soft tongue begin to lick the pool of cum off her. She bites her lip as a small whimper makes it out of her mouth. She has never been so honored. The Luna almost never pays attention to lowly omegas like Meenie.

Change in Twitch TOS [F] [fiction]

From a prompt on /r/dirtywritingprompts – LMK if you want to see more of my stuff

Jenny only had a couple dozen subs. Her huge tits were probably the only reason. She had a different account, but an accidental flash and a twitch ban left her more careful. She usually gamed braless in a camisole with a little elastic shelf – her DDs bouncing and bobbing as she leaned and reacted quickly to the near death moments or surprise kills.

She had never had a proper gaming chair – instead she liked to sit on a hard wooden kitchen chair. The straight back and flat seat made her keep proper posture. In the comfy reclining desk and gaming chairs she would invariably slouch and lean in ways that left her neck and back sore after hours of gaming on a stream.

It was about a month into using the kitchen chair that she realized a surprise bonus of her hard furniture – her suction dildo was great at sticking to the flat wood of the chair’s seat.

The Good Neighbor [MF] [Self- Meenie00]

Meenie and her husband had finally waved goodbye to the movers. They took a cheesy selfie of the two of them in front of their new house. From a distance Meenie heard a man call out, “Hey! Need help?” She turned and saw him for the first time. Their next door neighbor was a tall dark haired man with kind eyes. He held her phone and snapped a dozen photos of the two of them in front of their house.

Months passed, and they got to know each other better. Lawnmower not starting? Ask Greg next door. Need a plumber recommendation? Greg knows someone. Whats the best place to get a burger around here? Greg’s got the answer. He was a great guy, and Meenie and her husband both liked having such a helpful neighbor.

They decorated the room in their house as a nursery. Grays and neutrals. They didn’t want to assume any gender before they even had confirmation Meenie was pregnant. But she wasn’t getting pregnant. She was getting nervous. She finally managed to convince her husband to go to a fertility clinic with her. She was impatient. She was ready to be a mother – and for some reason it wasn’t happening. The doctor had been kind but the news had devastated her. Her husband had low sperm count. It might take a while to get her pregnant, but it was possible.

The tentacles in the mist [F][tentacles]

**This is a long one I wrote from a prompt – so I might need to add the continuation in comments! I have a discord where I post all my writings, let me know if you want more!**

It was most annoying in summer. Being held hostage in a hot house, the warm summer air stagnant and sticky. But going outside after curfew could be dangerous. First the smoky haze would sweep in. Like the haze from a nearby forest fire. Luckily the haze didn’t scratch and choke the way real smoke did. It was more of a humid sticky wetness than a true fog. In the haze though, was danger. The rumors swirled, although Meenie had never experienced it herself.

Some said it was a demon, a succubus – others said it was an octopus, a kraken. Either way one thing always was the same, story to story. The tentacles.

It was a languid Sunday afternoon. Meenie had mowed the lawn and weeded out the small garden behind her small cottage. Being a single woman in a small house suited her well. She liked the charm of her old little cottage despite the constant need for small fixes. She liked her small garden. This year, early in spring she found an antique wooden lounger. A cheap set of cushions, and it was perfect.

Part one: Lonely Omega

Meenie waved sadly as both her sons left on the bus to boarding school. It had been hard saying goodbye every September the last two years saying goodbye to her eldest, but waving goodbye to them both left her feeling sad and deflated.

She looked at the other mothers and occasional fathers waving the bus off. many still clutched babies and toddlers. Her heart gave a jealous pang, but it swiftly passed. Meenie may miss her boys being babies, but she did NOT miss diapers and midnight feedings.

Her pack was a large one, ruled with an iron fist by a powerful Alpha and his graceful and elegant Luna. Meenie had been born to an Omega, but her father’s identity had been muddied due to her mothers’ flightiness. Because her father’s identity was unsure, she was limited in who was allowed to mate with her. Her Mother’s flirty nature had left her only able to be safely mated with a few Betas and Gammas.

She had managed to catch the attention of a Gamma twice, resulting in her two children. They were destined to be Gamma warriors and guards, while she remained a lowly Omega, born to serve.