[M]y girl[F]riend picked me up without any underwear and we had a bit of fun in the parking lot.

Long time lurker here. This story takes place last summer. I (19M) was at my dad’s place and was getting fairly bored and wanted to see my girlfriend (18F), we’re going to call her Ann ( annonymous ), who lives 2 hours away. I was supposed to find a way to get there by myself by train or anything else but we were getting each others so horny by messages that she couldn’t take it anymore and decided to come pick me up. My brother dropped me off on a parking lot by the highway and she finally arrived.

She was stunning as always, in a nice dress which showed her forms so well. We hugged, we kissed, finally happy to see each other again and then she decided to light a smoke before doing the trip the other way around. Now is the time to describe the parking lot. It was empty, but right next to a passing road with only a few parking spots ( like 5 or 6 ) and no buildings anywhere near it. We were the only ones here.