It’s been a few weeks of lockdown now and I’ve pretty much accepted it, I honestly didn’t even mind all that. It gave me time to work on my paintings and other little hobbies. I still had tonnes of uni work and virtual lectures to attend though, so it’s not like I haven’t been kept pretty busy. It’s ironic that I moved halfway across the country to a new city with a prestigious university only to be trapped inside the whole time. It didn’t look like the quarantine was going to be lifted anytime soon either. At least I had time to actually decorate my flat finally, I had only moved in a few months ago so it could use some work. It was a cramped, old flat on the edge of the city in one of those old tenement buildings that had been done up partially. The walls were thick stone on the outside which gave it this grand look but the place was about as cheap as I could get. My plan was to re-decorate the whole place and brighten it up…
Author: MechaKat3
Something in the forest
I had recently moved out of the city after being left my grandparents rather large country house. I guess they just wanted me to stay there while I was at university instead of paying for a flat for a few years. The trip to and from the city itself was long but I certainly didn’t mind free lodging, being a poor student and all. The house itself was very old, mostly made of old bricks and hardwood. It honestly seemed like something out of harry potter and I was extremely excited to see how I could decorate the place. Although I have to admit it was also pretty creepy, the thought of living there by myself didn’t seem amazing considering how big of a scaredy cat I am. The sprawling, ancient forest the surrounded the house on all sides certainly didn’t help. Little did I know at the time, but I was certainly not alone either.
Moving in was pretty easy considering I only had the basic necessities and pretty much all my stuff fit into my chosen room. The place was left in disrepair but that was fine, it could be my project over summer while I waited for classes to start back up in the winter. The furniture was as old as the house plus the amount of dust I had found everywhere didn’t help with the “old and creepy” look. Whatever, it was free.