My Husband and my Girlfriend [ff] [cuckold] [office romance] [lesbian] [cheating]

I don’t think I was explicitly cheating…
A while back, last summer, I returned to work after having our second child. The workplace was virtually unchanged. Same useless boss, poor air conditioning and a daily meeting about nothing. One thing that had changed though, and this one was a surprise, was the hiring of a new HR lady. Her name was Jess and she brought a breath of fresh air into the place. She had gorgeous red hair, wore the loudest pair of jade coloured spectacles and her red shoes matched her lipstick. In all honesty, I fell in love with her the moment I saw her. Our friendship began when we bonded over our favourite flavor ice-cream, hers was choc fudge, mine french vanilla. I don’t know what it was, but our conversation filled me with a strange feeling of inspiration and I ended up going out at lunch and buying ice-cream for the whole office! We stayed back late that day, chatting and finishing off a tub. It was the most natural feeling relationship I had ever had. It felt wonderful.

It’s Time for the Show [voyeur] [MF] [Masturbation]

It’s time for the show.

You went to bed early, as always on a thursday night. It’s been a big day, I understand. We say goodnight. I look on as you undo your hair and it settles over your breasts. You look especially sexy tonight. I want you, but you deserve the rest.

A few minutes pass and I decide to check in on you. I press my ear against the cool door. At first I can’t discern anything but after a few moments I control my breathing and hear you. You are letting out a gentle moan. You got started fast!

I lean my head harder against the door. I can hear you moaning, louder. There is a gentle vibrating sound, I hear the bed creak. You are rearranging yourself. I take this opportunity to slip my hand into my pants. I wrap my fingers around my swelling penis. I squeeze myself and listen carefully.

I hear your drawer slide closed. My heart drops and I quickly hop down the hall. Expecting you to walk out, I act cool. But you don’t emerge. I slide back to the bedroom door, it’s ajar. I swallow. I creep towards the crack and peep inside. My jaw drops and my cock swells instantly.