The morning I[M] fucked my Ex[F] 11 times, in public [Part 3]

This it the final part of my long (really long) story. I posted this yesterday, but my Reddit App was acting odd, so I’m posting it again. For the ones who’ve managed to read it all, thank you in advance! And thanks everyone who DMed me with positive feedback. If you’ve missed the previous parts:

[[Part 1]]( & [[Part 2]](

Part 3 – If in a church, get on your knees and pray

We sat next to the monument for a while, recovering from the insane morning we were having. I sat on the top step with my back leaning on the monument, while she sat in the lower step between my legs, leaning against my torso.

“I can’t believe what we’ve been doing. I’ll definitely remember this day for the rest of my life” – She said.

By now, we’d fucked 5 times in just over 2 hours. Everyone says it’s all about the quality, not quantity, but guys and gals let me tell you, all of them were amazing.

“What would you’ve done if that person had kept walking towards us?”, she asked

I smiled, looked again to the sky and paused for a few seconds:

The morning I[M] fucked my Ex[F] 11 times, in public [Part 2]

I’ve realized there’s A LOT to write about this story, so I’ve decided to describe in the detail just 4 or 5 of the fucks we had that morning. These were the hottest and the ones which I remember most of the details.

If you’ve missed Part 1: [HERE](

Part 2 – There’s something in the Woods

After finishing on her face, we both cleaned up, arranged ourselves and rejoined the path.
When walking from behind the boulder, we immediately got face to face with a family of 3. A mother, father and a daughter. It was clear just by looking at their faces that they knew what we’d been up to. The mother gave us a very serious face, but the daughter and the father were similling. We walked past them and we both laughed.

“We need to find another spot soon, I’m wet again…” She said

It was clear we were still extremely turned on by the experience and we weren’t going to stop there. Our objective went from just having a nice day out, to try and fuck the most we could in public.

The morning I[M] fucked my Ex[F] 11 times, in public [Part 1]

Part 1 – Intro and The First Fuck

First time posting. And as the title suggests, this will be a long one, which I’m planning to split in a few parts if it’s well received.

A bit of background about me, I’m in my mid 30s, 6ft and athletic build. I’ve been addicted to sports since very young and that I believe has given me abnormal levels of stamina. I’ve had incredible sexual experiences throughout my life and hopefully I’ll share many of them here.

I was an early bird when it comes to sexuality. And when I say early, I mean incredibly early. Between the age of 6 and 12, I’d already done most of the things people only start doing, or dreaming, when they become young adults. Nothing related to weird shit, I just always loved to explore things related to sexuality and the human body. And I guess I was in the right place at the right time.
But I’ll leave those stories for another time.

This story happened a while ago, when I was in my 20s, in my home country, in Southern Europe.