[F] I helped my girl roomate orgasm for the first time

A bit of background about us. We are pretty open as roommates. They all know that I have a few different sex toys and they can tell when I have a man over. The walls aren’t that thick and I’m not that quiet. One of my roommates is pretty innocent. She’s been on a couple of dates, but hasn’t had her first kiss yet. The rest of us kind of vary in our sexual progression.

A couple of days ago we decided to have a gals night. We got some wine, tequila, and some mixers. It’s fun to just chat and catch up on the drama.

Well as the night progressed we started feeling pretty warm and fuzzy. Everyone got real comfortable and they started asking me about my different toys. They wanted to know how they felt. I said that they all feel pretty good, but are for different situations. It depends on the partner and the night. My favorite one though is one from Plus One. It is pink and it has two massaging points. I said it makes me finish so fast, and many times I only have to put it on my clit. Then my one innocent roomate asked me how it felt to finish. I was shocked. I knew she hadn’t been with a man, but I thought she had explored a bit. I asked her if she ever massaged herself, and she said she tried a few times but it was weird. I told her that we had to change that tonight.

[F] My TA found my Reddit pictures

A few months ago I started posting risqué pictures on Reddit. I liked showing off my body. It made me feel hot. But then a couple weeks after starting, my TA found them. We all call him the hot TA behind his back, and he is the type of guy you just get stuck staring at. Well one day, I was turning in my homework at the end of class and he pulls me aside. He told me that he found my Reddit pictures. I got so embarrassed. My face blushed to a deep scarlet and I left in a hurry. I couldn’t believe that anyone knew it was me, and I was mortified that he found them. Then my mind started racing, and I thought I might get in trouble, so I deleted them all.

Well last week I went out to a house party. It was a friend of a friend’s 21st. I hadn’t been out in a while so I was excited for the change to let loose. I dressed in my favorite black jeans, they make my ass pop, and a cute black tank top with my red bra peeking out. My friends and I pregamed with a few shots beforehand so I was feeling warm and giddy. As soon as I get there, I open the door and guess who is the first person I see. The hot TA.