How I ended up [F]ucking [M]y roommate again…

So first off, I want to thank everyone for the kind response, y’all really blew me away, and it made writing this next part much easier! If you haven’t read Part 1, that will fill you in on all the backstory, as this part picks up first thing the next morning after the events of that part:

Saturday morning rolls around, and I still can’t believe what just happened. But after pinching myself a few times, I decided that my roommate is actually laying in bed next to me naked, and that this is real. She’s still fast asleep, so I decided to head out for a few miles run, with the idea of coming back showering the sweat and sex off of me- before trying to have a go at it again this morning. I get back, dry off from the shower, and hop back in bed with her. She’s been woken up by me coming in going a bit, but seemed content to lay in bed for a bit longer. We talk a little bit about what happened, how we both enjoyed it, but then I try to move from just kissing to making out and getting a little handsy, and she shuts that right down. I’m thinking to myself, fuck, maybe I was too forward, but it turns out that she just thinks she has terrible morning breath so doesn’t like to have sex in the morning ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Also, she’s supposed to meet our friend Lila before we all go out for the afternoon (the one that I had dated a bit) for a bike ride down to this old farmer’s market for lunch, and she doesn’t have time to fool around if she’s going to get a shower before hand. I suggest why not both at the same time?

How I ended up [F]ucking [M]y roommate…

Never thought I’d have anything to write about on the subreddit, but this weekend has been a bit unusual. This is a bit on the long side, with some backstory. I ended up sleeping with the girl I’ve been living with for the past year- and if you’re just interested in the sex, Ctrl F for “We get back”. We’ve grown to be close friends, and have been mistaken for a couple in public before but I’ve never felt like it was anything but platonic until Friday…

Just a bit of background, I live with Kate, who this story is about, and our third roommate James. We’re all young professionals in our mid 20s, and could each afford to live where we do without roommates, but get along well enough that we don’t. James and I have lived together for three years now, and Kate joined us at the end of last summer when she moved out of her boyfriend’s apartment after he cheated on her. I had actually only met her once or twice before we helped her move here, but she’s become one of my closest friends in that time.