[MF] Going to Far to Fast.

Circa 2002

I was seeing a women a little more mature than myself for a few months coming off a divorce. We’d met in the gym exchanging glances. I had a thing for petite fair skin woman around the 130 mark at that time.

Probably had something to do with my ex. Big borderline Disney character size brown eyes and waist length straight strawberry blonde hair pretty much sealed my physical attraction.

We begin to chit-chat and within a week she asked me to run with her on the boardwalk. During what was a great afternoon she asked me to dinner that weekend.

She was laid back almost a little to direct but it was charming. I did sense quite a bit of reservation when we started taking about sex, which was cute but indicated a little vanilla.

Things progressed slowly, which is fine I was in mo hurry. At around the 6 week mark we began sleeping together. The first time a couple flags went up for me.

The inception of our physical relationship felt very rushed on her part. It began with a request for the lights to be turned way down. As in nearly pitch dark.

[MF] The Trade. Asexual exploration. Memory #9

This is quite lengthy but is a good glimpse into the mind of someone who I grew up with who is most definitely asexual.

I’ve have a female friend for 38 years. We met in grade school. She has been single all her life and is perfectly happy and content.


We’d been skateboarding on the island that morning as the surf was just dead flat. Both in Ronjon boadshorts, t-shirts and vans. If not for her boobs you would think my besty was one of us guys. Almost 6ft 140ish i guess. Short half shaved blonde hair, crystal blue eyes and inked up accordingly like the rest of us.

It was Summer just after senior year high-school. Waiting for the evening tide and some wind we were playing Nintendo at my little shit shack apartment on the bay. Super Mario 3 had just come out and we were set on finishing it. We are about 4 levels in.

Keep in mind this is pre internet/internet porn. We didn’t have instant access to sex and sexual information.

So… Out of nowhere through half a mouthful of cheetos she says..

[MF] First family vacation with the in laws. Memory#5

Todays memory takes us back to my ex wife and I dating just after high school. Brought to you by a random post answer.

Circa 1990

My ex had this thing where she loved to have sex in her parents bed… Like from dating until we were adults with our own place. Oh but it gets worse.

We were on a long overnight car trip with her folks. First time I was asked to go on vacation with them. An overnight trip in their big old boat of a car. We’re wrapped up in blankets laying in the back seat. Both of us in grey sweat pants an hooodies. Typical road trip attire.

We’re on the road about 2 hours. Just after midnight by the glow of the dash clock. Im sitting up on the driver’s side shes laying on her back head on my lap with the blanket on. I think she’s asleep. My hand resting on her stomach is grabbed and pushed under her pants.

I look down shes got this big smile on her face an knods yes. I’m totally like wtf? Shake my head no. Her folks are like 3 feet away. Her mother asleep the old man driving. She pulls my head down an says.. I’ll do it myself if you won’t. So it’s happening..

[MF] The bond. Another Vivid Memory

While answering another random question this morning I was struck with another intense flashback as I am so regularly.

This memory was born the afternoon my ex wife an I experienced an awakening in her that formed the bond between us.

For those of you who haven’t read my previous postings. Back then we were just kids.

She was 19 I’d just turned 18. Me just out of school her a year out. I was a 5″10 170 pound blonde hair (when I still had it lol) grey eyed surfer kid from the shore. Her a 5 foot nothing 130lb green eyed roman catholic girl with a cute little apple ass and rather impressive 38d chest.

This occurs about months into dating shortly after she’d relaxed enough for us to experiencing her first orgasm, which was in my pitch black bedroom room where we had to be quiet. It happened so fast. She was really unable to process or fully understand what had occurred. Not ideal.

Few days later in the room she rented from a friend. On that crapy noisy day bed we both hated.. We found ourselves in an empty house with an opportunity to play all evening.

[MF] A Memory of Afternoons Delight past.

Some things just stay with us. This is one of them.

Circa 1996. Enjoy.

My ex or first wife loved having her pussy sucked. Almost to a fault if there is such a thing. We worked for the same entity in separate buildings but close to home. It was not uncommon for us to take a lunch hour together at home. It was also not uncommon for us to have sex during lunch. It freed up the evening lol.

One such afternoon I’d arrived before her. Not hungry just flipped on the tv parked on the couch. 5 minutes later I hear the front door fling open. Then heard her duty belt unclip as she walked up the stairs. Reaching the top I see her uniform pants are open.

With a single very determined step the pants, her duty weapon and radio hit the floor, which yanked the mic cliped to her shirt shes forgot to unclip.. off lol.

Walking toward me.. Jesus Christ idk wtf is going on with me today but this needs to happen now.