This story introduces James, a wealthy senior partner at a NYC law firm and his wife Linda. Linda is submission to James who calls her ‘bunny’ and controls her life as she serves him. In this story James has seduced a younger woman and is bringing her home for their first sexual encounter where she meets bunny and is introduced to their lifestyle.
This story has some intense emotional elements to it and while sex figures prominently there is an exploration of one form of a BDSM relationship. This is un-apologetically a Male fantasy with all the echos of patriarchy and womens roles that implies. However you might find that the women in this story have a power and respect that’s all their own.
The early January sky was already dark despite the early hour. James had left the office at a reasonable time which meant the wet streets were clogged with traffic. The drive from Wall Street to the Upper East Side was dreary at best and boring at worst. He sighed as the car pulled up to his brownstone and the driver opened his door. “Thank you Sergei,” he said as he stepped out. “Please confirm you’ll be back at 6:45 for my evening appointment?”