True Colors 50-word microfiction

“What happened?” my new lover asks, horrified.

My dress is too short. Bent over, marks from last night appeared. Those lovely, blooming bruises — purple-hued rainbows — had surfaced, a living reminder of the whip.

I smile wickedly, and she realizes I displayed my hidden self intentionally.

Her education begins now.


NOTE: This was written in response to a poetry prompt for FridayFix on Medium. [Free link to nicer version with photo]( along with the poem prompt.

Categorized as Erotica

The Easter Sex Pledge

Summary: My ploy to coax a threesome turns into a no-sex pledge for Lent followed by an Easter I will never forget.

HAPPY EASTER! I hope you all have orgasms as dramatic as those experienced by the people in this story.

Here is a link to the piece. It is on Medium. If anyone has any trouble accessing it, DM me and I will send you a “friend” link for free access.


Categorized as Erotica

What Will It Take? A Sunlit Tease (flash fiction)

“What will it take?” she asks, exasperated.

The late afternoon sun sends a shaft of light across the room. Dust dances within. I have positioned myself on the bed laying facing up so that the ray illuminates my rigid cock. I am presenting like an Egyptian obelisk. The scene is set as though we are in the map room in Indiana Jones and my engorged staff is the key.

Minutes pass. She remains motionless, staring down at it. Her long, luxurious eyelashes cover her downcast eyes. Her subtle smile betrays the dirty thoughts running through her mind. Eventually, she looks up, frustrated.

“What do you think?” I tease. I flex a muscle to make my cock quiver.

Her tongue flicks across her plump, ruby lips.

“I got all made up for you, didn’t I?” she complains poutily. Her glowing skin offsets her smokey, violet eyeshadow.

“I stripped for you, didn’t I?” Desperation creeps into her voice. I scan her delicious body without comment. Her firm breasts rise and fall dramatically with her heavy breathing. She is trying to distract me. It won’t work.

Kiss Me – Sex with a Stranger Can Be Sheer Poetry

Katia would never cheat on her husband, but secretly she wanted to.

She glanced at the clock on her bedside table. Its bright red numerals stared back at her: 11:00 p.m. Grant slept soundly beside her, lightly snoring. If she was going to get some sexual satisfaction, it looked like she would have to take matters into her own hands. Again.

She pulled out her laptop, plugged in her headphones, and opened her browser. It was still open on porn from the previous night. She really should be more careful. She clicked on the search bar, preternaturally conscious of Grant’s measured breathing. She began typing.

*wife porn*

A familiar tingle stirred between her legs. She looked at Grant, looked back at the screen, and arrowed the cursor back to the beginning of the search.

*cheating wife porn*

She had to close her eyes a moment and let the thrill of anticipation wash over her. This was wrong on so many levels. She’d never actually cheat on her husband, whom she loved dearly and would never want to hurt. This was her compromise. And it hurt nobody. She had to keep reminding herself that. Virtual infidelity was a victimless crime.