The best morning of my life. A threesome with my best friend and ex [MFF]

This was the single greatest sexual experience of my life, so its gonna be a long one. I want to get as many details as I can spot on. Scroll to the —– for the actual time of the event!

Laura and I had dated in university. Though we never really talked about being exclusive we both kinda went that way independently. Not gonna lie, this girl rocked my world. She has gorgeous long blonde hair, beautiful big lips and eyes that just swallow you whole. About 5’9 and probably an A cup, but her ass is extraordinary, the perfect cute butt. I was young and pretty inexperienced at the time, and she was raw sexual energy, every time I saw her she showed me something new and exciting, it was a great year we spent together, but then she graduated and we found ourselves on other sides of the country, having both had long-distance things fail in the past we decided to just stay friends, so we still hung out occasionally on visits to each other’s cities and we still fucked. The sex got better if anything, I’d had the chance to learn more from other girls and she really got off on that too.

Fucking in every room in the house [MF]

This is part 2 to fucking my best friend which you can find [here](


I saw Emma again real soon. After Christmas day with our families it was back out to the pub to see some other friends. There was a big group we both used to hang out with at high school, but aside from a couple of jokes and subtle winks we left it there. We weren’t in my home town and she had to be up early, so she left and I got more drunk with our friends, to the tune of an enormous hangover the next day. I think we were both surprised by how little our attitudes and behaviour towards each other had changed. She went to see extended family for a couple of days and we spoke often, but no more than usual.

Our group of friends are dreadful at coming up with any kind of plan, so on New Years Eve at about 1pm we still had no plan for the night, besides drink in the same old pub, but suddenly we realised Emma’s house in my village was still empty. Her Mum had moved earlier in the month but the house hadn’t yet sold, so was just an empty shell. Perfect. New Years party AND a farewell to a good old party house it would be. It was just round the corner from my house, so I turned up early to help her set up.

[MF] Finally fucking my best friend

Emma and I didn’t really know each other well until our final year of high school together. My girlfriend at the time told me that Emma fancied my best friend, so I passed on the message and they started dating. We would hang out together all the time, often just me third wheeling the two of them, but it was my best friend and Emma and I were getting closer so it just felt natural.

Cut to after uni, I have long since broken up with my girlfriend and eventually my two good friends did as well (it was messy, though I’m still good friends with both of them). Now Emma and I spend a lot of time together. Visiting each other in our respective cities, spending time together at Christmas back home, going to festivals together. She is a very sexual person and we spoke in depth about our sex lives and who we were dating at the time, and even though I find her very attractive, neither of us felt compelled to make anything happen. For years we would share a bed after a night out, share a tent and get changed in front of each other, but nothing would happen.